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Search results

  1. J

    Butterfly valve plate removal

    We've been over this before, remove intercooler and look into the intake and you'll see said butterfly. Worth removing EGR valve and cleaning it out at the same time but its obviously important no swarf goes into the intake, you'll have to drill the 2 small screws out that secure the flap in...
  2. J

    Pulls to Left when Braking

    Its usually the inner lower piston that seizes, i look after the brakes almost religiously and the 4 piston design lends itself to easy exercise of the pistons in their bores, but finally couple of years ago at age 17 those particular pistons were getting very stiff, so bought a pair of new...
  3. J

    Protrax training

    I learned a fair bit at pay and play sites, the main lesson being DON'T use your nice decent cared for 4x4 for offroading, buy an old cheapy and either keep it roadworthy to drive there and back or trailer it to the site. There's much to learn at such places, you hear gems like ''should have...
  4. J

    UK Media on the 250

    Pricing wise, have all makers obviously continuing to produce ICE vehicles already priced in the supposed £15k fine for making and selling the wrong method of propulsion. If the first edition is sold out already it shows people are prepared to pay. By the way, who gets the £15k 'fine' the...
  5. J

    Gearbox Fluid Renewal Without A Flush

    Don't quote me but 46'C rings a bell. I got the correct figure from one of the LC forums, it might have been LCOOL. Blowed if i know where to find the article now, course they didn't use a laser thermometer, as i recall they jerry wired a couple of contacts on the diagnostics socket, not for me...
  6. J

    Gearbox Fluid Renewal Without A Flush

    I changed several sumpfuls over the course of one day, the speed the oil circulates you don't need to drive far at all, i used a laser thermometer pointed at the sump to gauge the correct temperature for final level checking, in between fills i replaced each sumpful with the same amount drained...
  7. J

    Who is doing what maintenance today?

    Busy day today, swap winter/summer wheels over on the Forester and service the brakes at the same time, then wheels off the 120 and service the brakes on that plus general checkover for MOT end of this month. knees are protesting. later still, flew thru yon MOT, reckon she'll...
  8. J

    Chassis Rust Removal -- Recommended Tools for Awkward Areas?

    I have two extra long extra high ramps and two standard ones, all steel. Long ones for the front smaller jobbies for the rear, guesstimate the shorter distance of the smaller ramps, position mine roughly 12" in front of the rear wheels, engage low range and climb up all 4. The motor's absolutely...
  9. J

    What is the world coming to?

    Don't remind me about BG, i'd quite forgotten that saga. We live at 2B, our bungalow was built probably 20 years after the rest of the bungalows here, built on what was previously an orchard at the end of a cul-de-sac hence why it isn't numbered like the rest and why it never had cable laid for...
  10. J

    Advice on brake upgrade

    TBH those huge 4 piston front calipers on even the 120 series (almost identical system to 100 series) provide such stopping power as i've never thought about an upgrade. Finally after 17 years had to stump up for a new pair of front calipers (one of our flock had my old ones to send to Big Red...
  11. J

    What is the world coming to?

    You're missing bugger all Frank. I relented and got a smart phone purely for having google traffic permanently on during my working day, that has saved me countless times from being stuck in traffic.
  12. J

    What is the world coming to?

    Several years now without a telly licence, hadn't watched live telly for years anyway (because all crap) and SWMBO only really used BBCiplayer so it was no great loss for her to delete the apps so she couldn't log on by mistake. We are legal, you seriously couldn't pay me to watch the utter...
  13. J

    Injector Swap

    For Pete's sake, couldn't they have put the part number on too?
  14. J

    What is the world coming to?

    Yes, idiots everywhere. Nothings changed it would appear from when we were with NTL, and we have our own sob story of lunacy from that shower, even to the point of us being called by a debt collection agency whilst aboard the Orient Express, a debt for a service they couldn't have provided had...
  15. J

    Injector Swap

    If you whip the engine cover and intercooler off, do the numbers on the top of the injectors not refer to part number?
  16. J

    120 Prices

    Agree with above, if prepared to pay that sort of money and this one isn't what you hope after all maybe get in touch with one of the well spoken of importers and bring a Prado in, that should be as new underneath, its what i had planned until mine suddenly appeared one morning traded in for a...
  17. J

    120 springs and shocks

    Whilst happy to keep the rear air suspension going as along as possible the difference between the various settings isn't enough to make me bother with TEMS shockers again, Monroes Koni Bilstien whatever i can find will go on. Koni apparently make adjustables for the 120, but from reading it...
  18. J

    Rear aircon block off

    Mine was leaking pipework, all pipework to the rear has been replaced with rubber hoses, decided to get it fixed and keep the rear section cooled for the dogs, yeah i know soft old bugger, daren't say how much that all cost. They earned it mind, i've sprayed the underbelly with various...
  19. J

    Help! - Mangled Locking Wheel Nut. Any Tips?

    295846155642 ebay number. If that doesn't work punch in 'locking wheel nut removal tool'. Around £12 to £14, they should do the job ok.
  20. J

    120 springs and shocks

    Standard OE set up here on LC5. One of the reasons i'm going to keep the rear air suspension going as long as possible is because of the relatively good handling it helps provide, sure footed in the wet helped no doubt by Yoko GO15 tyres (would definately buy again), those all round adjustable...
  21. J

    Engines are overrated

    Will lawyers in some countries be sniffing at the prospect of a Dieselgate 2 and the likely monopoly money results. Interesting article.
  22. J

    OEM parts UK

    I didn't ask, maybe they appreciate those of us who still get our hands dirty and offer the small token of camaraderie they are allowed to.
  23. J

    OEM parts UK

    Whoever the chap was life would be much better if all garage staff were as helpful.
  24. J

    OEM parts UK

    I understand Simon at Northampton Toyota has moved on from parts, however the mature (still a good bit younger than me) chap who sorted out the gaskets etc i needed for the EGR clean could not have been more helpful going through the diagrams, also gave me the 10% trade discount. They've also...
  25. J


    Still on the originals, they're the electrically adjustable ones and appear to be working fine, that much undebody grease and ACF50 sprayed about you'd never notice if they were leaking. Whilst i'll keep the rear air suspension going as long as possible i wouldn't spend out ridiculous money for...
  26. J

    Techstream diagnosis

    We bought an old Windows 10 laptop cheap, only used for techstream.
  27. J

    Tunit chip

    When i bought my 120 it was prone to issuing black smoke on acceleration, it also sounded like it was 'pinking' under acceleration. On examination i found a Tunit box was connected in place, once removed the black smoke stopped instantly and that pinking sound vanished with it. Can't say as i...
  28. J

    Window Film

    Bet that van could tell some tales :sunglasses:
  29. J

    Window Film

    Something i've got to do, the rear side windows in the boot section the dogs have ruined the film by scratching. Looks really unsightly now, be watching this to see how you get on DIYing.
  30. J

    Sensitive alarm and auto lock

    If you push that funny little button in the roof console just before exiting the vehicle you can lock the doors with the plipper but without the interior movement sensors being armed. Wish doing the same operation was as easy on our Subaru, you really have to think carefully about the sequence...
  31. J

    EV's -Tesla

    I don't think the one off VED cost will put many off, its when they start adding the equivalent fuel tax, and then full rate VAT on the fuel and fuel tax that the penny will drop, then the level playing field will come into play but i don't think the susbisdies will stop until people have no...
  32. J

    Serious failure on emissions.

    When you switch the engine off, when driving apart from it sounds more throaty if thats a word and the noticeable increase in useful torque you'd never know it had been done, can't say as i've noticed any changes in fuel consumption overall...thats not the reult of the EGR clean but the other...
  33. J

    Adventures in EGR removal and fuel trimming

    Following last year's emissions failure i cleaned out the EGR (and as far into the inlet manifold as could reach) and whilst the unit was out drilled out the flap leaving everything else intact. The engine sounds different following this, more throaty if thats a word, better acceleration but the...
  34. J

    Well built Japanese things

    Saw a meme the other day. Road/bridge collapsed in Japan in one pic, pot hole in Romania in the second pic. Road and bridge fully reconstructed and all tidied up a week or so later in pic 3, pot hole still there 30 years later pic 4. I admire the Japanese their way of life their attitude to...
  35. J

    reading books

    I'm a regular reader, fed up of carrying books around and what to do with them afterwards i treated myself to a Kindle and now have Kindle Unlimited subscription. Get through a couple of books most weeks read during my work breaks etc. Just received Alex Jones' (of InfoWars fame) latest book in...
  36. J

    A cheap landcruiser ?

    I can't tell you how much ACF50 and Bilt Hamber's cavity waxes have been sprayed inside the cavities, sills, doors, inner wings, inside the chassis (loads gone into and over the rear crossmembers), nor the amount of marine grease that's been spread over the chassis and the outside of the inner...
  37. J

    new battery time

    I doubt the 70 series even in its present form has any more than necessary, maybe lower spec Hilux. For affordable cars probably a budget model Dacia, you know they won't be stuffed full pointless safety crap because they score low ncap purely because they arn't stuffed with said crap. No doubt...
  38. J

    new battery time

    Don't get what they were thinking, that Andrew St Pierre -White (speeling) chap did a video a few weeks ago about that very issue, it seems if the batteries do go flat it's not just a case of grabbing a handy jump start it needs the correct software via laptop to release the park brake once...
  39. J

    new battery time

    Bad enough trying to fit new bulbs in with the standard batteries in place, so stuck with them, think several of us were needing new batts around the same time. Oddly enough the larger and larger capacity size, which TM has jammed in ;) place, were much better value than those meant for the 120...
  40. J

    New Land Cruiser owner 120

    And pay special attention to the inner sills at both ends, they get heavy weathering at these points so keep them coated well, they can perforate if neglected, doesn't help that the side steps are bolted to these sills.
  41. J

    New Land Cruiser owner 120

    That undersealing looks good, in the spring i'd give it a good wash underneath paying special attention to cleaning out the chassis, and as well as topping up any missing top coat give the insides of the chassis a good coating of the treatment of your choice, it might already have been done but...
  42. J

    Petrol in Diesel tank

    Well spotted before you filled the thing Raj, no damage possible on such a mix. I'm paranoid about filling up now, not just making sure with the Diesel, but i doubt our Forester would take kindly to the new Epetrol made of sweepings-up, so have to make doubly sure i've got the right one and...
  43. J

    new battery time

    My Mr T replacement set lasted 7 years before showing signs of pegging out, have replaced with Exides for a change, will see how those pan out.
  44. J


    You can't go by pics, to judge how good or bad the rust is you have to get underneath yourself or get someone you trust who does know these things to check it out for you, usually the arse end sffers more, rusty rear axles are standard for these, just depends how bad it is. The MOT advisories...
  45. J

    auto transmission oil change

    I still can't understand why Toyota did away with the dipstick and made not only oil changing but even checking the level such a faff when the 5 speed box arrived. The filler point is half way up the box and no way are you going to gravity refill, unless you feed a long pipe down from the...
  46. J


    120 was £275ish in January, with Direct Line, hoping for no nasty shocks come the new year. They've also been very reasonable at a similar price on the Mrs' flying Forester, again up in January. Whether they would entertain the 60 you could try their own website first.
  47. J

    Who is doing what maintenance today?

    Bugger, on the 120 whilst not the easiest (when you're an old fart and your joints don't play ball like they once did) after removing the osf wheel it came out the side quite easily.
  48. J

    Who is doing what maintenance today?

    Got back from a 2 hour run around 2 o'clock, up on the ramps and gave her a quick oil change, hot oil came out like a fire hose, shone the torch up her bum strainer all clear, Smith and Allans finest straight back in. Meant to change the coolant at the same time, but as Scarlett once said...
  49. J

    Serious failure on emissions.

    An update for anyone interested. Its been running great, some serious torque been released, full power accelaeration is noticeably improved. Just popped in and had the exhaust emissions checked, MOT not due till next March but if it needed a set of injectors then loads of time to plan and...
  50. J

    No New Land Cruisers in the UK

    Think i'd like to know what each type will cost to replace when they go wrong, most of us will only have a chance of one of them when several years old, pretty sure it won't be a case of a pair of new uprated Osram/Philips headlight bulbs for £20 when one blows. So far been able to avoid OE...