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beware when camping in france..

chapel gate

Well-Known Member
Promoted Company
May 26, 2014
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Ive been working for a builder the last couple of weeks who ive done work on and off for for years. He recently returned from three months in Europe, whilst in france he told me how his motor home had been broke into while him and the missus were asleep, they drilled a hole in the side and gassed the pair of them! Once they were knocked out they entered the van and robbed them of cash and belongings. On coming round not knowing what had happened he bollocked his mrs for leaving the van in such a mess!

After speaking to the police this appears to be on the increase, pretty unsettling really.
I believe this only happens in the rest areas or 'Aires' along the motorways. I first heard of this ten or more years ago.
Its complete bollocks. This story was going around a while ago. Some very credible investigations, including anaesthetists said "bull". Drugged, dodgy wine, possibly - gassed, nope. I'll post the link when I get a moment.
Interesting, ill ask to see the drill hole totomorrow.

weather permitting of course..
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I believe this only happens in the rest areas or 'Aires' along the motorways. I first heard of this ten or more years ago.
That's why I only stop overnight in the service stations and not the roadside halts.
Another urban myth. This was going around in the 70's. It would be a very uncertain way to put people to sleep and could result in death but I've not seen one official report.
I am keen to hear the outcome of this.

We are off on a trip to France at the end of the month and although not overly concerned, I would Like to know a bit more.

Not camping related, but there was a spate of reports of bandits riding the trans-European trains running across Hungary and Romania.

They were said to pass knock-out gas under locked sleeper cabin doors and then break in to rob folks.

Again, I think that was fueled by the media's imagination, but there have been reports of chloraphorm attacks, but they've been very few and far between.

I've ridden night sleeper-trains a fair bit in Romania, never any bother, there's quite tight security guarding these days too.
My Parents have returned from a three week trip around France in their motorhome. no problems seen or reported.
Genuinely... I think this is an urban myth. I can completely believe people have been robbed when slightly drunk, and maybe had drinks spiked - but the gassed thing smells like BS (pun intended). I've looked into this - see posts above - no one seems to be able to post any reliable information on this and its been circulating for years.

Me - I'd be more worried about parking up anywhere in the mainland UK - we're the car crime capital of Europe.
Its complete bollocks. This story was going around a while ago. Some very credible investigations, including anaesthetists said "bull". Drugged, dodgy wine, possibly - gassed, nope. I'll post the link when I get a moment.

Dunno about this story but about 6 years ago I and my family were caravaning on the Costa Brava in early Septmber, been on the beach all day and arrived back at the ranch to find new neighbours right next to us ( English folk) the fact being the campsite was virtually empty, they could have parked up anywhere, they had been gassed and robbed the night before, I do not doubt for a minute that their story was a fib, their nerves were shot, we really felt for them, they had 2 teenage girls with them and they were obviously worried about what might have happened to them. I think I would have packed up and headed for home, I think they would have but were still in shock. They stayed, they probably felt safer next to us as we had my youngest son and his pal with us and they are both " handy" types.
They had made the fatal mistake of stopping on an " Aire de Repose" We never do, 20 years ago we did, not now, we now, no longer caravan but camp in a tent(s) and start looking for a proper campsite at around 3.30pm, planning to stop around 4.00pm, it gives a bit of leeway.
P.S. They only stayed a short week, they were a very ordinary urban type people, not really streetwise,
I personally had the " bandits" try to stop us us when towing ( Classic Range Rover and caravan) I sign languaged them to get lost and they must have realised I wasn't up for a scam and they sped off, similar things have happened to my friends whist towing.
Sad to say but this is the world we live in, scuzzies are everywhere.
Best regards to all, Bill Westley
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Billy - question is why do they believe they were gassed? If you look at the information behind this, gassing a van to the point of making it easy to enter without killing the occupants is a medical-level skill. It just doesn't make any sense. I'm not trying to be arsy I just don't see the sense here. Drugged, maybe, but gassed? I don;t get it.
Billy - question is why do they believe they were gassed? If you look at the information behind this, gassing a van to the point of making it easy to enter without killing the occupants is a medical-level skill. It just doesn't make any sense. I'm not trying to be arsy I just don't see the sense here. Drugged, maybe, but gassed? I don;t get it.

Good question, it was themselves that said they had been gassed, they offered no evidence, we didn't ask, we had no reason to not believe them. I suppose we just assumed or they might have suggested something like Ether. It's beyond my pay level to say if they had been drugged or gassed, I'm only repeating what they claimed. And if recall correctly there were stories about Eastern Europeans performing robberies of villas in southern Spain using any method they could, and unless they had been captured and found guilty how could anyone know where they were from and what method they used.
I don't recall the exact conversation with the "gassed" parties but it was about the fact the villains could take their time to rummage through all the belongings without disturbance, that is what I remember. It may well have been the fact they had been drugged and now it's mentioned I can see it's probably the more likely answer, however, it means we should be ever vigilant, ever on the watch, these theives are predators, they spot a victim miles away,.

This has reminded me of an incident which happened to a chap I know ( quite well) when he was travelling home from Spain in France, he stayed at a budget type hotel and was robbed, the villains had prised open the window which was next to the door and then just opened the door, all while the family, him, his missus and 3 kids, were sleeping. No gas or anything else mentioned, but he was definitely robbed, window evidence etc.

The alleged " gassing" crime could be a case for Poirot, " the case of the missing gas" ( no baked beans gags please)
Best regards to all, Billy Westley
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Bayeux. They had pulled into a restplace at about midnight to get a couple of hours sleep before carrying on. So he wasnt pissed up... on asking what made him think it was gas he replied that they slept for eight hours and woke up with a banging head ache and sore throat.

They hadnt drilled a hole. They went through the vents.
kipped in Aires plenty of times - in our Motor Home (long gone now) and in the car - never had a problem.