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Lincomb meets 2017

karl webster

Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
Hi Guys and gals.
Just getting the dates up for people.
29th/30th April
30sept/1st oct

Prices etc will be added later with a bit of a rundown on the weekend.

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Wicked I'll get my hols booked :) ( as work weekends apart from every other Sunday )
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Sounds good Karl. Well done.
Now theres a quandary, We have a Honda Valkyrie weekend clashing with the April meet, will have to think about this carefully.
Great, dates are in the diary.
Aargh.. i will be in the US in Apr. But sept sounds good! In on that one
Karl, well done for getting some dates arranged. Shame the September weekend clashes with the Adventure Overland show.
Thanks for organising.

I wont make the end of April meet. Its bank holiday weekend and I'm taking some extra time off with the intension of a trip somewhere. Will try to do September.
What a chore trying to find this thread, I am new to this forum but do find it difficult to navigate some times.
Anyhow now it's found and we will be going to both events.
Thanks for sorting it Karl
Unfortunately I'll not be able to make April but definitely up for September! Put my name down please!
You needed to think about it? Shame on you Mr Lomas!
Scott, well spotted. So is the thinking that we want to miss the overland show this year (as a club thay is..) ?