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SS Great Britain.

frank rabbets

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
Did anyone watch this. I found it strangely distasteful seeing SS flags draped over London. I was surprised how I felt.

Also why can't the BBC go back to school and BLOODY LEARN. Too much mumbling so I lost half the story.
Don't have a TV in the house and wont watch anything broadcast by BBC as refuse to pay for a TV licence, also the standard of journalism leaves something to be desired, that and the fact that television tends to breed the brain dead.

Just my opinion.

So in answer no I did not watch it, I knew about it because there has been a lot of advertising it on the wireless.

And I too would find the sight of Nazi flags flying over London disturbing :/
Like Julian above, but for different reasons, I didn't see it.

However, and unless I've misunderstood the context of this thread because I didn't see it, surely the whole of the British and allied war effort was to "avoid" such a take-over by the Nazi SS. No wonder you found it disturbing Frank, I think at the time, that would have been an immense understatement.

Sympathisers with the SS did so either out of fear for their own lives or for other reasons of "gain" or avoiding loss. Other countries allied with the Nazis for similar reasons. Romania, for example, allied with the Nazis, because they had little alternative. OK, one could say that France had been in the same position and although occupied, they maintained their resistance. It's my opinion (and I think learned writers on the subject might agree) that near Western European countries felt an underlying security from Britain and the allies, even though it was a very close call that such allied resistance would be successful.

Further East, the mood was very different, Romania felt alone and compelled to submit. No excuses intended here, I think it was just the situation at that time. Submit or we'll destroy you. Notwithstanding the submission, the Romanian resistance still existed, despite being intensively bombed by the US in an attempt to stop fuel supplies reaching the Nazis.

Could go on forever on this, but maybe I'm off track with the intention of the thread.... :shifty:
I watched a bit. Did not realise what it was. Keen to watch it on catchup.

I did watch Man in the High Castle which I quite enjoyed for most of the time. At times it was a bit OTT.
Just watched MSN in high castle on my firestick (takes forever as shite internet!) Looking fwd to series 2. Fell asleep watching SS GB...... Sorry
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I put it on record and will get around to watching it when I have collated a couple of episodes.

Also been meaning to watch MITHC since getting an Amazon subscription but haven't got around to it.....yet.

Both series have had decent reviews.