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Who got an LC4? ... I DID I DID !!! [repeat ++]


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2011
Hello all - bear with me just a moment...


I'm pretty sure the normal humans (those without an LC) have had enough... it's all parking problems, money and blah blah blah... but I know you'll understand!!!!... I did it... it's here.. after 5 long years I finally got it back. Ok, so it's not the same one, it's changed colour slightly and its carrying a few extra miles... but...... IT'S A LANDCRUISER and it's my name on the docs. Dammit that's worth every late night, every weekend and every single penny. Hey baby, make yourself at home we're gonna get on just fine. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[jumping around for a moment - talk amongst yourselves]

Phew! Moving on. Thanks for your patience. I think I'm done for a minute.


Ok calm. It's an '03 LC4 in dark silver/grey - depending on if you use your eyes or the log book description.
Changed into my hands at exactly 52,000 miles - full Toyota history. In fact the one previous owner apparently had enough money to service it so often the book has time travelled forwards by over a year. We like that. Only done 6,000 some years. Do I sound happy? I think I am.

It's got a few little niggles... and possibly a couple of not so little ones... but hopefully if your'e all feeling gracious I can deal with them in time?

There's obviously a hundred things I want to share with anyone that's bored enough to listen and a few questions I'd love to ask if anyone has the time... but for now... that's it. I bought it. She's here. She's mine. SWMBO is even coming round to the idea (just chuck 'em behind the wheel and see their face change!). So what can I say?... at least for tonight, all is good in the world.

Been sneaking a peek in these forums for a few months while I was looking - so thank you to all who reminded me why I was doing what I was doing - you know... not eating the pennies and all that.

Promised myself I'd join once it was mine. It is. I'm here. Hello.
Welcome to the forum, I think it would be right to say you are very pleased with your 'new' friend :think:
Excellent first post. You can stay :clap:

Congratulations and welcome! Hope you have many happy miles with the new Cruiser!!

I guess we are all happy you have moved back to the 120 series.

What vehicle did you have between the other 120, and this one?

So what is on your first list of things you would like to change?

Can I ask how much you paid?

I had to let my LC3 go, sad day, but it had to go.
The next LC will be a 100 series petrol, about a 2002 onwards, running on LPG, but thats for the future.


There's a happy chap in these otherwise glum times. I had to let my LC5 go almost exactly a year ago (whacked it off a wall) and I was gutted so I can appreciate how chuffed you are to have another one.
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Welcome. So of course I will be the first to as... where's the pics?
Thanks to all for the warm welcome!

@Cossack - Yup, just a bit pleased. Did that show then?

@chris - Why thank you. I'll take you up on that offer if that's ok :D

@gary - Thanks and I'm sure I will - any cruiser mile is a happy mile! :dance:

@Graham - The inbetween was filled by a Ford Focus, Fiesta, Yamaha Thunderace 1000 bike, Legs and a determination to get an LC back. Sorry to hear you had to let yours go - hope it all works out to get the 100. First thing I want to change is the size of the bank loan - after that?... not sure. Need to let my adrenaline settle before I start cutting holes in it I think - at least that's what SWMBO says! .... :| .... hmmm....

@NuclearChicken - Thanks for the welcome and sentiment. Hope you get yours too.

@TonyP - Pics on their way. Turns out I don't own a working camera - will sort that soon and get some up though. You'll have to use your imagination and visualise the missing snorkel and other bits I haven't learnt about yet.
Great first post Mr LFN :cool:

Hi and welcome aboard :thumbup:
Thanks Ecoman - still finding my way around but from what ive seen so far... this place is sooooo cool :clap:
Now, here is a question,

What does LFN stand for?

Is it your name initials?

Lesley Fred Nicklebottom?
