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Would you have gone in?

frank rabbets

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
In the latest U.S. school shootings the security officer first on the scene did not go in and has had to resign. He was probably facing certain death as he only had a handgun, I would think. Well I don't think I would have gone in either. Obviously a "good man with a gun" did not work as Trump said it might.
In the latest U.S. school shootings the security officer first on the scene did not go in and has had to resign. He was probably facing certain death as he only had a handgun, I would think. Well I don't think I would have gone in either. Obviously a "good man with a gun" did not work as Trump said it might.

Don't think you are thinking this through Frank. The obvious Trump answer to this dilema would be to equip teachers and school guards with heavy artillery.
Don't think you are thinking this through Frank. The obvious Trump answer to this dilema would be to equip teachers and school guards with heavy artillery.
I don't think so BJ, concealed weapons were specifically mentioned, you'd be hard put to hide heavy artillery under your shirt.
He didn't specify where the weapons would be concealed :tearsofjoy: a tank under a camouflage net is concealed!
He didn't specify where the weapons would be concealed :tearsofjoy: a tank under a camouflage net is concealed!
Be sensible Mark, it doesn't take brains to know it was handguns that were being considered, I know things are bigger in the US of A but I don't think they could fit tanks in their classrooms.
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In the latest U.S. school shootings the security officer first on the scene did not go in and has had to resign. He was probably facing certain death as he only had a handgun, I would think. Well I don't think I would have gone in either. Obviously a "good man with a gun" did not work as Trump said it might.

Maybe the guy should not have been doing the job if he was not prepared to tackle the gunman, it's not as though there was little chance of this happening....
In the latest U.S. school shootings the security officer first on the scene did not go in and has had to resign. He was probably facing certain death as he only had a handgun, I would think. Well I don't think I would have gone in either. Obviously a "good man with a gun" did not work as Trump said it might.
yes. Its his job and duty.
thankfully a lot of people still have the "help someone in need and think about the consequences later" instinct.
this bloke clearly didnt.
it was a young untrained lad, he had multiple targets, his head would of been all over the place.Personally i dont think the odds would be stacked against him because he had a pistol.
Apparently he was neither young nor untrained, having worked for the local Sherif's office since 1985 and been at the school in his current role since 2009 so he should have known what to do. It's very difficult to say wether he'd have stood a chance or not against a gunman armed with SA assault rifle without knowing ALL the facts. If the gunman wasn't expecting any resistance/retaliation then maybe the guard could have held a surprise advantage. It's very easy for anyone having never been in such a situation to criticise of course but the fact is he was there for just such an occurrence and should have gone it but didn't.
Tow pack - when Chapel Gate said "young and untrained" he meant the shooter, not the armed guard. As said, if that's your job, you should be prepared to get involved, or not take the pay checks.

Personally they're missing the obvious solution - all these school shootings have one thing in common - they happen at schools. So close the schools. Problem solved :)
Tow pack - when Chapel Gate said "young and untrained" he meant the shooter, not the armed guard. As said, if that's your job, you should be prepared to get involved, or not take the pay checks.

Personally they're missing the obvious solution - all these school shootings have one thing in common - they happen at schools. So close the schools. Problem solved :)

My bad, I just read it wrong. Sorry CG.
Use technology , heat + volume = a tazered disabled suspect awaiting life in prison - and life means life in the USA .

Of course the gun needs to be fired so it may not save someone but as a deterrent the certainty of life in prison is a consequence likely far harder to accept than the do it and die mentality usually attached to suicidal vengeance .
It all saddens me terribly, that all of the discussion around this everywhere is about who should be armed to stop school shooters...

Why not address the problem of why so many people resort to opening fire on school students, and why they can get to do this so easily by obtaining weapons so easily?

It doesn't happen in ANY other country... time to wake up America.

Incidentally myself and Mrs Bob are going to America on hols this summer, will be avoiding schools, quaint public parks, and shopping centre/hotel combinations.. we should stick to shady biker bars and poorly lit alleys... very few shootings there
Maybe the guy should not have been doing the job if he was not prepared to tackle the gunman, it's not as though there was little chance of this happening....

The reality is, no one will know how they will react under fire until it happens, or in any kind of life threatening emergency. Most people will freeze. The overwhelming evidence is, the people that react best in Emergencies are servicemen and emergency service workers because they are used to dealing with high stress situations. Teachers, BTW are not mentioned in that evidence!!

Everyone fancies themselves the hero and America is home to more fantasists than most but the reality is most people will react neither rationally, or how they expect. That guy probably fantasised about saving the world and reckoned that when the time came, he would be able to cut it, but, like 99% of people, he couldn't, and he now has to live with that fact, which is pretty tough.

That's why the military and emergency personnel do drills, so that when the emergency happens, their brain is acclimatised and their responses are automatic.

The notion that the solution to the gun problem is, more guns, is fucking insane, but then, trump gets millions into his political coffers from the NRA
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But the guy had been a sheriffs deputy for over 20 years so you would have expected him to have undertaken plenty of training....
The same man on a different day might have brought the shooter down while unarmed himself . Life's like that , but in a world where everyone demands the perverse right to judge everyone else he is condemned so profoundly only suicide offers him hope of redemption . I bet he wish he ran in and got shot dead now .
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I fear you may well have predicted this guy’s fate. Maybe he was waiting for backup, maybe he’d had recent training that told him ‘don’t be a hero and get yourself killed’ maybe he just made a judgement call that he could’nt control the situation on his own. I expect we will never know what was going through his head. It’s very easy to judge others.

‘Walk a mile in my shoes’
TBH I have sympathy for all of the above. But the bottom line is he was paid to do a job, which he didn't perform... end of. I'm not judging him, hell I really don't know what I would do personally (sure, I'd like to think I would do the right thing)... but there again I'm not paid to carry a fire arm and protect kids.