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A late summer bbq meeting ?

My 120 could certainly fit in as the 'before' picture.....
If you look on the webshite there is a section for clubs where the secretary can apply for a club section. I suggest we get that logged early if people fancy it and set about doing it in style.

It's the weekend before Morocco so a good last shakedown maybe
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I'm up for it
if you do need a place try ring the owners of devils pit thy will let you stay over night to play or just do your own thing

It cost £300 last year and that inc insurance

so 20 of us went and it cost us £15 per vehicle for overnight and play next day and if you want test your led light bars at night as well

this is only an idea

oh i will go as well if the truck makes it back from Romania
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i have had a trade stand the last 2 years at the AO show so i know the guy, i can ask him if we can have a club space, im also hopefully doing the same for theoverlander trucks..

still fancy wales on another occasion though?
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Stan, would definitely be a good idea to speak with the organisers and see if we can get an area. And if so, how many trucks we could squeeze in there.
Have tried but failed to make contact with organisers for the overland show. Has anyone else had better luck?

Stan ?

Just want to make sure we reserve space etc in time, given the interest in heading out there i suspect we might have 6 - 8 LCs in.
Been in touch with Tom very recently replied in a few hours to my email about a stand at AO show
Emailed again and got a reponse! A fairly comprehensive one at that. Let me parse this out and post synopsis.
So, folks here is the plan :

we get a 33m x 12m pitch along the right side, our neighbours are 'the overlander' and 'staffs 4x4'. on the other side, we have some general parking.

the actual pitch is free, people just need to pay ( either in advance or on the day ) their camping rates. Which is : for 1 person £49 ( includes 2 day admissions Sat, Sun + 3 nights camping Fri-Sun ), or for 2 people £73 ( also includes 2 days admission, 3 night camping )

We also get 4 free pass's for the weekend, open to suggestions on how best to use those. Do we even have any official 'club officials' ? Given that we need to get an aggregated set of tickets, maybe one option is to use the 4 free pass's cost to offset the overall price we pay for the rest, and have everyone come up with an even number. I realise this could get tricky to workout since we wont know up front how many people we are likely to have.

Alternatively, how about everyone getting a free pass bring along the pass cost in beer for club consumption. Are we likely to drink £146 worth of beer on the weekend ?

There are 2 things here though that I want to bring up :
1) I am not really setup to co-ordinate the funds ( ie. I dont have any clean / clear way to have all of you guys send me money, and then pass that along to organisers ) - can do with some help on that.

2) Feeling like a bit of an imposter here. I dont have a truck that anyone will really want to come see, its about as basic as things can get - and I certainly havent been on the club long enough or know enough people to represent the group as a whole. Willing to do the leg work, but can I ask for atleast one of the 'been here long enough, generally respected' folks sit on the CC list atleast for the conversations and setup.

Depending on how everyone feels on those two bits, I can get the forms filled out and circulate the per-vehicle ones around.

Then we need a plan, I guess some sort of a sign might be in order too.

- KB
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If we are having a club stand I'll be there.
I'd love to attend but I work every other Saturday and guess what...
Im still getting over the hangover from my birthday last week!
I will be up for it can we camp on the stand? As it would be a bit of a pain if not.
Instead of beer why don't we do a lamb on the spit for the club?

I wasn't sure what to do with the spread sheet.
I will be up for it can we camp on the stand? As it would be a bit of a pain if not.
Instead of beer why don't we do a lamb on the spit for the club?

I wasn't sure what to do with the spread sheet.

we can camp on the stand.

lamb would be awesome! who's got the scaffolding for that ? I noticed open fire is ok, as long as its off the ground and isnt going to leave a mark on the grass.

I'm keeping the spreadsheet as a place to track who's in and who's bringing what. Looks like google docs and I disagree on what is meant by 'publicly editable'.

- KB
I could sort out the fire and stuff to cook that. A half lamb thats 8-10kg will feed around 20-25 people or 1 Trevor.