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80 rear winch bumper build

Well it's been a while but today I have a big smile on my face. Feeling good about today's efforts

Damn I love that plasma

One more good session and it should be just about finished






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Didn't post over the weekend as ostensibly it looks the same. But the work underneath was quite involved. Now at the point where I can make the end fence braces to the chassis to absorb contact with those pesky banks. Also discovered the delights of tube bending and will be adding some pretty but functional fender bars. I think. If all goes to plan. And they look ok. And...

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No really sexy pics at the moment, but took the day off today and was at it dawn til dusk. Nearly there. Got loads of jobs done including the quarter bumper support brackets made.
These are a two part arm, part bolted to the chassis and part welded into the bumper. With guess what in between? Yes SLOTS. Incredible what you can do with a milling machine. No more oversize holes to accommodate adjustment. Sweeeeeet.

Spent an hour tonight just making a perfectly square milled block of steel. Why? Well why not :dance:

Feeling super solid now but with the outer skin still really light. Once that's all seam welded and ground off, it'll be off to the coaters. Got the wheel carrier to sot out next. Oh what you can do with a lathe!!!

More (better) pics to come once I get finished. Actually feeling really good about this one.

Look - slots!

Getting all fancy now then Chris putting slots in things :lol:
It's all precision from now on Jon. Thrown all my hammers in the skip. Even the big one. Just feeler gauges and verniers for me from now on. :whistle: :whistle:

That is looking good Chris, nice and slim on the sides! Not sure about throwing hammers away.... always have a use for a hammer if only to bang a thumb! :lol:
It is very slim on the sides, but will have some 1" rails / hoops on there to protect the panels.

If you don't, on an 80, you tend to pull the rear lights off.

A lathe you say and some slots from a miller you say, it's of little wonder you had Monday off then ;)
good progress yet again and let it be said that there is no stopping you now eh?
and please don't forget those very special tools we discussed (for that finishing touch) :shhh:
Chris S.
Thanks for the help on Sunday Mate. Much appreciated. Heavy stuff! Got slotting sorted; we were running too slow really. Still working on getting a really good finish on the lathe.

higher speed and coolant seemed to give a smoother finish on the lathe when I experimented Chris.
And a sharp tip too! Got the coolant on, but time to clean it out and get some fresh in there after it got all stirred up and splashed all over the trailer.

Sorting the coolant for the miller has got me scratching my chin though - as to where to put the drain holes. Will probably drill two, tap and put in flexi hoses down to the splash deck where the ends will be fixed.

Nice when it's Summer and I can work with the door open.

Anyway - probably hijacked my own thread there :roll:

Well, got the side hoop son this morning and bolted the winch in. It needs a good fettle round to finish it off and fit the spindle for the wheel carrier. Spare is on the roof at the second. Might be able to give it a go tomorrow at our local P&P. Just be up - it's open, 4 cars on the course, all stuck.

Should be fun.

These are the corner brackets that support the end fences


And the quarter hoops



From experience, I know it will all look better once it's blasted and powder coated

:thumbup: Looking very good, Chris!! Take a flask of coffee along with you tomorrow - could be a long day in the snow recovering people to and from the P&P, plus people on the course! Hope you don't need the rear quarter protection straight away.
Very good to see it ready for action
Looks professional, like someone had a plasma cutter and other fancy tools ;)