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Check your gutters


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2019
Country Flag
Washing my 90 series today and I found a ton of grime and grout in the gutters especially where they narrow at the front parallel to the windscreen. Gently popped off the gutter trim and cleaned out with a screwdriver covered in a cloth.

Luckily it was fine but I can imagine this being a rust prone area if your paint was not in great condition.
You can also (if not already damaged at the front) blow them out with a fine jet on a pressure washer; try from front up & back to clear it - I occasionally have to park near a fir tree & the bl**dy needles get everywhere...
Yeah had the same trouble with my lj78, you couldn't get a fag paper down the side of the windscreen area, and I had to pull the trim off of that to clean. Sometimes continual blasting up with hose cleared it, depending how compacted. Will be keeping an eye on my 120 lc3.
Think I'm going to keep an eye on mine, unfortunately the only off-street parking I have is between my carport and some trees so that probably caused some of the muck, but it was muddy too so maybe some left from the previous owner or dirt road dust.
Long ago I blasted the muck out of mine by the windscreen with a pressure washer then squirted a load of wd-40 down the wedge just because it was there and i figured it might nourish the rubber some . Not then or since have i ever thought it something to give regular attention to but rather the build up resulted from a fluke of luck that one time chance let something suitably sized to cause a blockage found its way in there .
Long ago I blasted the muck out of mine by the windscreen with a pressure washer then squirted a load of wd-40 down the wedge just because it was there and i figured it might nourish the rubber some . Not then or since have i ever thought it something to give regular attention to but rather the build up resulted from a fluke of luck that one time chance let something suitably sized to cause a blockage found its way in there .
Good idea will do that next time I am working on it.
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