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Detecting duff bushes

Rob Cowell

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
Country Flag
Fairly sure one or more bushes are giving up in my 120. When I lift off the throttle on the motorway I get a shimmy, which feels very much like previous experiences with rear suspension bushes falling apart. My problem is always finding the bush. The only way I've found in the past is to start unbolting stuff and taking a look. All my rear suspension bushes apart from the panhard rod have been changed in the last 30K miles. One was a new top arm with OEM bushes. The rest are Milners poly. Had a look today with a crow bar and the only piece that moves much is the new top arm but I think that's just because it's softer compound. Is there a "proper" way to test without taking stuff off? Not sure that lifting the chassis necessarily works either, or am I likely to have a better chance doing that?
If you have an assistant try rocking the car back and forwards with the handbrake on while you have a sniff around the back axle mounts it will usually show up if something is totally shot.
Ta. That did the trick. One bottom arm slobbing about on the axle. Looks like the bolt has come a little lose and worn the mount holes oval. Welded a couple of M14 washers in place having measured the hole position from the opposite bracket. Just waiting for the Hamerite to dry a bit and I'll bolt it all back up. Fingers crossed the axle still points in about the right direction!