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Feb 24, 2010
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Brazilian police stop a plane with suspected smugglers.

No messing :thumbup: there are times when I feel like doing that to some idiots on the road
:shock: What about their human rights?. Surely they have a right to be able to fly without being run off the road, like they do in this dosey part of the world? :roll:
That's the way it should be done. Cool.
They really have guts. I would be too scared to drive into a plane directly. They know their job pretty well and have some experience I guess, but it looks quite dangerous nonetheless! I bet the police in other countries wouldn't dare to copy this *haha* It is a very nice video, thank you for sharing it with us!
Lucky the wing didn't slice the roof of the car off, along with the banzai cops' heads :doh:
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Justin_Elliott said:
:shock: The wing's the fuel tank....
Some small planes have the tanks in the fusalage though.
That one looks like a Piper Cherokee 180 which has wing tanks
Think I would have pushed it off the strip by nudging the tail, wing spars have to hold the bird in the air after all!
jeepmadmike said:
Think I would have pushed it off the strip by nudging the tail, wing spars have to hold the bird in the air after all!
Definitely nudge the tail, he would have lost control of up/down and saved the cost of a new windscreen :lol:
As Mr Clarkeson has pointed out in a 25 min segment on a well known and awesome BBC programme, the reason brit cops dont do this id down to the fact that
A:the motors are to expensive, and,
B: The police that police the Police (Elf and Safety) would not allow it.
On an unrelated note and not wanting to appear racist as I am not but I was watching one of those police camera action or something along those lines recently and there was a (I'm Guessing) Muslim Copper who had ran down a couple of kids in his car but when it came to giving chase over some not overly challanging terrain, on foot he was F@@k@d. Due to Ramadan. Vomiting, out of breath etc. might as well have employed a fat bloke that cant run more than 15 yards. In my opinion the guy should not hav been employed by the police force to work during ramadan. at the end of the day this chap let a guy escape because he was unfit through lack of sufficiant food eater. etc.
Among all the violance we get fed via live news and reality programs,I will never get over a report from Rio where the police had just arrested a skinny street kid of just 15 or 16 for stealing or something,1 minute he is lying on his tummy and the next he got dragged behind the cop car by a cop and got bullets pumped into him right there while the news cameras rolled. Brazilian justice some might say but unfortunatly i don't agree