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Help! Random grinding/squeal from somewhere...

I had bearings spin due to not having the correct preload and the stub shaft got worn so the bearings moved. I could have turned it round I suppose, or used bearing fit but decided to do the right thing.
I had bearings spin due to not having the correct preload and the stub shaft got worn so the bearings moved. I could have turned it round I suppose, or used bearing fit but decided to do the right thing.
what was the right thing rich? whisk them off to Gretna green?:icon-biggrin:
ha ha! The ‘right thing’ mike was so throw them in the scrap and put new ones on complete with needle bearing sets.
Right - bit of an update - whipped off the front propshaft this evening, switched in the CDL and went for a wee drive... and.... no funny noises. I also briefly switched out the CDL, to test the VC, and this worked too...

So, not counting my chickens... but looks like it might just be that ropey UJ. Either that or something odd going on in the front axle which is only showing up under load. I'll get that UJ switched out first and report back!
Sorry - dumb question (and its dark no, so I can't see properly) - but is there a cap over the end of the C clips in the UJ? On the Landcover ones the clip was obvious and exposed - on the 80 series it looks to be a flush cap?? Am I being completely dim?
No cap, there closer to the spider and will be covered in grease and gunk.
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Ah - gotcha - C clips, rather than circlips - I've got a big vice in the garage, so will have a play tomorrow evening - thanks CG.
@Dave_S old trick mate, don't try to tap the cap in to push out the opposite side which is the Land Rover owner style :icon-biggrin:. Hit the yoke it's self with a copper mallet so as not to crack the cast, the sudden shock drives the yoke down and the cap comes out, saves a lot of time winding vice jaws etc.


Soooooooo.... we have a winner... and the answer is....

Front UJ in the front prop. When I took it out one cap had no roller bearings left in it and the cup had rolled. New UJ, refitted... no noise, no vibes :) Thanks for the advice all.

Now to do the brakes, sort the wheel bearing... oh yeah, and the fuel filler cable has stretched, so need to look into changing/fixing that now. Did I say how much I love old crappy trucks?! Hahaha!
Glad you’ve found it. :clap:

With the fuel filler it may be a case of sticky hinges on the flap or the flap slightly too close to the release catch. If it really is the cable fit a spacer to the cable outer. It could also be a bent plate that holds the outer (I’d have to check if this is possible) at the pull under the dash if it’s been pulled too hard in the past. Unless damaged I doubt the inner would have stretched.
I'm very proud of my uj's they've done almost 160k miles and are original. I have greased them every 4500 miles as per wsm and have ensured grease comes out of every corner. There's always a lazy one.

Sometimes the cap cable gets stressed around the area of the pull handle and the cap won't close. Rerouting cured mine.
Fitted a spring from an old pen near the hinge on my fuel flap about 8 years ago.....still there! :icon-biggrin:


Good you found it first time Dave...

bet the new one makes the truck / drive feel new again!
sticky hinges on the flap
Can someone who knows please tell me how just typing the word ‘hinges’ without any computer code talk thingies makes it link to some hinges on Amazon ‘cos I haven’t a clue!!
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