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Protecting the vehicle and contents on the road


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2013
Country Flag
Thoughts on securing the oztent on the roof? Just having that on the roof with a couple of straps seems a bit of an invitation for trouble.

I was wondering if there were any tips on keeping the vehicle safe along with contents when on a trip.

We are going to be staying in hotels on and off which means being away from the truck overnight.

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I don't know it it would work for you, but google Lock Alarm. Its a cable with a siren. Not only wilt help secure the tent from sticky fingers, but it should wake you up with the siren.

I 'm been considering getting a few for those "just in case" situations.

Good luck
Get a very big dog and leave a window open.
I had a new alarm fitted to mine and had it tied into the central locking too. All done on the drive for a couple of hundred quid

Swap the Oz for a RTT and buy a big dog
Secure car parking at hotels?

For me it's just something else to go wrong on a trip, having had the headache of failed immobilisers in the UK I wouldn't want to go through that somewhere remote.
Yeah by and large not hearing good things about after market immobilisers from anyone really.

There is an alarm fitted already. And its been tested accidentally :).

RTT is in the plans, but the kids need to grow up a bit more I think. Maybe next year.

Am looking at a couple of ski box's that might be large enough for the oztent. If it goes in there, if nothing else it would help with the air resistance as well....

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As for an immobiliser, we had a very effective one way back when.
It was a switch like this one.


It was black though.

When pushed it energised a relay which self-latched which in turn opened a fuel solenoid. The switch was in the rail mount of the drives chair. You could look at it all day long and not spot it. The head is about 4mm across.

If it fails - either bridge the relay with a paperclip or disconnect the fuel solenoid.

On an engine like yours it might be better. It might allow enough fuel to start the engine and drive a few meters and then strand them in an awkward, attention attracting place.

Total cost about £10 :)
There must be a gadget in this day and age that will phone you when your car alarm goes off , and if not why not ?
There must be a gadget in this day and age that will phone you when your car alarm goes off , and if not why not ?
Many years ago, I think probably in the 80's, I had a thingy that didn't sound off when disturbed but sent an alert to a unit I carried with me about the size of a 20 fag packet. It had small microphones that were mounted in the car, best place was in the door frame where it would pick up the sound of the key inserted in the lock, I tested it. I had parked my car in our car park at the Opera House and was inside when I got a buzz so I ran outside and just caught red-handed one of our chorus members about to do a runner so surprised she was when I said 'You just hit my car'
I had this fitted in two cars but when I sold the second car I forgot to take the microphones out and I could never find a replacement.

Also I now have a tracker fitted to the 80 which sends me a text if vehicle is moved.

Vehicle security was my biggest concern when I drove my Hilux across Asia, especially through China and Russia. So 'Pacsafe' and myself came up with an idea to cover the open back with an exomesh stainless steel net. Nothing got stolen, but plenty of hands went through to see what was steal'able - only problem was they couldn't get it out.
But I was robbed. In Russia. Window smashed. Snow shoes and an 'expendable wallet' stuffed with monopoly money and a few US$ dollar notes were stolen . Nothing else was touched, not even the dvd player, booze, gadgets etc which were all in the car.
Thieves are generally drunks, druggies or gypsies. The onus is on the vehicle owner to be smarter than them. In most cases it will be a smash and grab, the front windows/door lock being the weakest point. My advice would be to not have too much bling on show, install anti bandit glass and leave a few 'sweetners' around which are entirely worthless. Thieves don't hang around, and in the dark they grab anything that fuels their addiction.
But most of all, park in a sensible location.
I wouln't leave an Oz tent on the roof in a hotel, just tell the porter to bring all the luggage off the roof to the room :dance:
I think pumpy has the right idea. The tip you give him would be a lot cheaper aswell.
A friend of mine in South Africa leaves a large rubber snake draped on his dash. It is very realistic and his car has never been broken into.

Makes much less mess than a dog.