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Riddle time.

I think it was Winston Churchill who said "Two countries divided by a common language"
What begins with "und" and ends with "und" and never sees the light of day?
Underground and there is another as well, underfund.
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Beats me why I am even posting this, but what is the longest word that can be spelled using only the left half of a qwerty keyboard?

Sorry, am I supposed to post the answer at the same time?

No, it isn't Landcruiser.

Beats me why I am even posting this, but what is the longest word that can be spelled using only the left half of a qwerty keyboard?

Sorry, am I supposed to post the answer at the same time?

No, it isn't Landcruiser.

No don't give the answer Chris. The first word I came up with was 'Treads' then 'Westwards'?
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Nice try Chas. But it's an an a twelve letter answer. Deff got some of those letters in though.

Stewardess? no, that's only ten, stewardesses?
Well done Chas. Clearly nothing wrong with your little grey cells. Still sharp as a tack.

Just sat and stared at my keyboard thinking of words beginning with different letters in turn. You did give me a clue though about 'some of the letters' Here’s another one;

There are three words in the English language that end in the letters g-r-y. Two are "hungry" and "angry."Everyone knows what the third word means, and everyone uses it every day. What is the third word?
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Did you word the riddle wrong Chas. hink he answer should be language but the way you wrote it that doens't make sense.

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Either that of "the"

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
Yes, I know the riddle you are thinking of, but this one is a variation of that. No, it's not worded wrong, read the question again bearing in mind the ending letters. :think:
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There are three words in the English language that end in the letters g-r-y. Two are "hungry" and "angry."Everyone knows what the third word means, and everyone uses it every day. What is the third word?

Three words... "the English language"

OK the third word must be "language" I'll give you that Chas! :clap: :clap: Still think bookkeepingry was a better answer, especially as I've turned off the spellcheck!
Three words... "the English language"

OK the third word must be "language" I'll give you that Chas! :clap: :clap: Still think bookkeepingry was a better answer, especially as I've turned off the spellcheck!

No, look at the last three letters and the way they are mentioned. You're all going to curse me when I give you the answer. :laughing-rolling:
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