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setup menu


New Member
Nov 25, 2012
Hi all,
I've got an issue with the bluetooth on the new cruiser,well new to me anyway.the issue is this - when I turn the ignition on you can hear the near side speaker crackle into life and when turning the ignition off a voice says 'setup menu'.
Is there any way I can 'disarm'the bluetooth?
I'll never use it so its a bit irritating if I can't disarm it do, I need to visit Mr.T for him to reset to default or something similar?
By the way she's an 08 120series invincible,I'll try and get some photos soon
UPDATE: So far to date there have been 173 views and no replies so I took the bull by the horns so to speak and went to an audio specialist and hey presto -sorted.
My local Toyota dealer came out with so much cr4p regarding the problem that I wont deal with them again,Its normal he says,Really says I,if its normal why has it taken you 3 days to tell me,if its normal why does it not do the same thing every time and if its normal (with 88 then) views on this forum dont you think I would have had 88 people tell me its normal!!
I'll get the 'master tech man' on the job says he,answer =We can turn the volume down

The local audio man diagnosed it within the hour Faulty bluetooth module says he,we can rewire it and bypass the module ,crack on says I JOB DONE

No doubt Mr.T would have liked me to leave it with them for a while longer and have a new media system installed!!!!!!
Excellent outcome say I, sadly I have no experience with your cruiser, or blue tooth/media system and as for your local Mr T sadly with modern tech there are many instances of the technicians having no idea what they are doing unless the computer tells them what to do, imo there are no mechanics being trained in the auto industry any more only parts fitment specialists ;P

I am also probably one of the views that did not respond. (as above)

But welcome aboard and why not introduce us to your cruiser in the Your Garage thread and tell us about yourself ;)