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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2010
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.How can I delete this thread?
Hit it with a big stick?
Snake's gone, in fact it never appeared, I posted a link which didn't work, I couldn't delete the thread so I just removed the link I had posted.

Here... Fixed it for ya... :D
That’s amazing, wouldn’t want one in my shoe in the morning though...

Any idea what it is, apart from colorful and probably as dangerous as it is beautiful?
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That’s amazing, wouldn’t want one in my shoe in the morning though...

Any idea what it is, apart from colorful and probably as dangerous as it is beautiful?

That's a ringneck snake. They're usually greyish on top, not sure if this one is really blue, or if it's an effect of light. Sure is pretty...

Very mildly poisonous, by the way. Lacks a true hollow fangs system.
Here is one to be properly scared of. Apparently they aren't very aggressive though.


This is one of the (possibly the) most toxic snakes, and of course it comes from australia.
Maybe I'm weird but I love snakes, it might stem from when I was in Junior school and we had a visit from a London Zoo keeper I think his name was George Cansdale, anyway he brought along with him various exhibits one of which was a python which he hung round my neck, I was about 10yrs old at the time and this snake was huge, it was so heavy I remember my legs wobbling under the strain, gave me some real street cred in the class.
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I remember George Cansdale, he used to be on the telly sometimes. I had a friend who had a few including quite a big Boa Constrictor, I never felt threatened by her, he said the trick was to keep them well fed.........
I used to be terrified of snakes, but doing what we do, we meet quite a few. Mostly different types of grass snake, but occasionally vipers. So now I expect to see them and ate not shocked when I do ! Unless they ate hiding under the pool pump......