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To Clive Horridge


Active Member
Mar 9, 2013
Country Flag
Hi Clive

So you must be a "whenwe", if you are old enough to know what it means that is.

Tried to pm you but the technology beat me, sad huh.:wtf:
I sent you a pm CC, but no response, wassup? Check your "notifications" top RH on the menu...

I can't deny that I am a bit of a "whenwe". Irrespective of upping sticks and moving on, I've always had a soft spot for places/people/times from the past that have some special meaning. I see no harm in it.

I'm also a fan of Glue-gun earth, it's great to be able to cruise around the world looking at different countries, towns and cities, and places from my life in the past.

If nothing else, it keeps me off the streets :lol:
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I remember the great flood in 1953 when the North Sea went South and met the surge in the English Channel flooding great areas East and South. I remember the photos in the newspaper and my mum crying...... but that might have been because we ran out of ration credits and couldn't eat. And then the Coronation when my mum bought a telly and the whole road came for the day. All were really old fossils, Cheltenham was full of fossils in those days. My mum was 47 and the youngest girl in town. One of the fossils slammed her door leaving her keys inside. Locking the door was an accident because nobody locked their doors. I was so thin I was able to squeeze through the basement security bars and let her in.
Ah...........should have checked the defo of whenwe first. I don't quite qualify after all.
Never mind Frank.

They used to say the difference between aircraft and whenwe's was that the aircraft stopped whining when it got to the airport ... :)
Ah...........should have checked the defo of whenwe first. I don't quite qualify after all.

I didn't know what they were on about either Frank, but according to Wikipedia, The original whenwes came from eastern Africa, mostly Kenya. Being largely of colonial origin, they went back to the United Kingdom or moved south to Rhodesia in the early 1960s.
I didn't know what they were on about either Frank, but according to Wikipedia, The original whenwes came from eastern Africa, mostly Kenya. Being largely of colonial origin, they went back to the United Kingdom or moved south to Rhodesia in the early 1960s.

It took me ages to cotton too Chas, I'm just an oldish fart who likes to reminiss now and again, and again... :lol: No real harm in that, is there?
It took me ages to cotton too Chas, I'm just an oldish fart who likes to reminiss now and again, and again... :lol: No real harm in that, is there?

No harm at all Clive, but I must say I was glad to move out of that soggy cardboard box 'int middle o' road.
It took me ages to cotton too Chas, I'm just an oldish fart who likes to reminiss now and again, and again... :lol: No real harm in that, is there?

Not so sure that wiki has that exactly right with the Kenya only reference.

In a loose sense you qualify Clive, as an exile from your place of birth and early life. Though only loosely as I (assume!! and your not hiding from Interpol) would say you voluntarily left.

I have the dubious pleasure of being a 'West Brit' here in Ireland, a protestant of English descent whose family chose to stay behind.
No harm at all Clive, but I must say I was glad to move out of that soggy cardboard box 'int middle o' road.

You had a box, Chas ? lucky devil, we used to dream of a box.....
Not so sure that wiki has that exactly right with the Kenya only reference.

In a loose sense you qualify Clive, as an exile from your place of birth and early life. Though only loosely as I (assume!! and your not hiding from Interpol) would say you voluntarily left.

I have the dubious pleasure of being a 'West Brit' here in Ireland, a protestant of English descent whose family chose to stay behind.

Yep yogi, certainly voluntary...! That's what I concluded it meant, someone living away from their birthplace...
Aye, use to live in shoe box ah side o road, I had to get up before I went to bed, and then eat gravel for breakfast .
Oooops just stumbled on an old Monty Python set. :icon-biggrin:


Aye, use to live in shoe box ah side o road, I had to get up before I went to bed, and then eat gravel for breakfast. Oooops just stumbled on an old Monty Python set. :icon-biggrin: regards, Dave

We certainly have Dave, oops, what a giveaway, showing our "maturity" somewhat...:doh:
You spoilt buggers had it all a modern cardboard box wouldn't last 5 minutes if it got soggy :lol:
You spoilt buggers had it all a modern cardboard box wouldn't last 5 minutes if it got soggy :lol:

Hence the phrase "the good old days" Shayne!

Comedian Mike Harding used to have a line "I had a happy childhood, cryin' all the time". :lol:
To ex-Rhodies it has meaning, mostly unkind, but who cares! For those that moved south they are now called Soweto' where to now?