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What is the world coming to?

frank rabbets

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
Not like the old days when people had a proper education and respect for others.

I have been with Sky since 1993. In a telephone query to them I changed my package. I then got an email with a lot of mistakes in it. I wrote to Sky head office and received a phone call re my letter (I hate that). A very rude man did not agree with what had been agreed on the 'phone with them and would not put me through to a manager and said "we don't write letters". He sent me a stupidly worded email. I then got an email with a feedback form. That REALLY lit my fuse. Next day I got a phone call saying they had listened to the original phone call to Sky and I was correct in every detail. Next day the engineer arrived with the wrong box. Death will be a blessed relief.
I feel your pain Frank. Sadly this is the tip of a rather large iceberg. :angry-screaming:
Yes, idiots everywhere.
Nothings changed it would appear from when we were with NTL, and we have our own sob story of lunacy from that shower, even to the point of us being called by a debt collection agency whilst aboard the Orient Express, a debt for a service they couldn't have provided had they wanted to because no cable to our new home.
We were with Sky for a while and it was a nightmare trying to cancel, never again.

I offer this letter from someone equally cheesed off with the useless sods for your amusement.
Almost everytime you try to contact a big company you now are automaticly greated with default "we are experiencing high call volumes at the moment... blar blar blar..."
Well if you didn't f*king run your call centres so lean, move services overseas, get your resource allocation so wildly inaccurate or better still, provide the service you should be providing you wouldn't have high call volumes.

You only get to spend time once. And I feel better having spent a minute to write that.
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My wife is trying to sort out some (expensive) nonsense with the Inland Revenue at the moment . . . Don't get me started :angry-screaming: .

Years ago had sky installed, engineer came on time, very pleasant - I even bunged him !!!
Did the install, dish, box, wiring etc, then asked where the BT connection was for the broadband. I showed him in the hall and as tv was in the lounge, he said get BT to put it near TV, we don't do that side (although they will connect to)
Rang BT who sent an engineer who was slapdash, disinterested and complained. He hammered an old fitting off outside wall, then said he needed a cherry picker to renew our incoming from Telegraph pole.
(I thought they used a ladder and did that)
With that, I told him to fuck off and rang the sky engineer multiple times who had left his number. Never did answer the phone, messaging only and only after I told him exactly how it was grrr...
His manager rang me after about a week, said he had been sick, so I told him cancel the contract, come and get your gear, shove it.
Profuse grovelling and apologies, and next day he was there to do the job they said they didn't do with no further input from BT.
Dumped them when 12 month contract expired, never used them since.
Years ago had sky installed, engineer came on time, very pleasant - I even bunged him !!!
Did the install, dish, box, wiring etc, then asked where the BT connection was for the broadband. I showed him in the hall and as tv was in the lounge, he said get BT to put it near TV, we don't do that side (although they will connect to)
Rang BT who sent an engineer who was slapdash, disinterested and complained. He hammered an old fitting off outside wall, then said he needed a cherry picker to renew our incoming from Telegraph pole.
(I thought they used a ladder and did that)
With that, I told him to fuck off and rang the sky engineer multiple times who had left his number. Never did answer the phone, messaging only and only after I told him exactly how it was grrr...
His manager rang me after about a week, said he had been sick, so I told him cancel the contract, come and get your gear, shove it.
Profuse grovelling and apologies, and next day he was there to do the job they said they didn't do with no further input from BT.
Dumped them when 12 month contract expired, never used them since.

As a (now ex) BT engineer, years ago when fibre broadband had just been launched, I arranged for the job to instal our connection to be issued to me as there would be no one else at home. I did fantastic job! :thumbup::laughing-rolling:
Hate SKY with a passion! my experience.... they were incompetent, untrustworthy! Nowadays, their poor offering of continuous repeats of repeats, is terrible value for money.
A few years ago I bought a small parcel of land at the back of our garden. There was an electricity meter there and also a water meter. As I never intended to use them I took their readings for security. Then I started getting bills for standing charges even though I did not occupy the land. I looked online and it confirmed they were right, i.e. they can charge the owner of the land. I took both to the Ombudsman just because I could. Ombudsman found in my favour and they came and removed their meters WTF !! Ombudsman ruled that they had not followed correct procedure. Moral:- go to the Ombudsman every time.

TV licensing. I have 16 letters from the TV licencing authority saying I do not have a licence for that freehold. "Are you in on 24th May" your case is escalated to enforcement. We may come on another day though. This is the 5th time they have escalated to enforcement. I just ignore them.
Bodie, that's why I ditched Sky after 12 month contract. Repeat after repeat, I was (and mrs still is) paying a tv license for that sort of shite !

Frank, is it not true that they have to prove you are watching TV (BBC)? owning a tv is not a crime, and owning a freehold doesnt automatically mean you have to have a license, and you are not obliged to let them in anyway, so they are stuffed ?
Hi Traction man. When I bought the land the Land Registry must have alerted them. As you say there is nothing they can do. They say to phone them if I don't need a licence but why waste my time? I will probo write to the PM and say I am being harassed. I wrote to the PM when some Gov Dept wrote to me saying my VW was not insured. As the car was insured the balloon really went up. Credit to No 10 Downing Street.
With you all the way there Frank, what a bleedin cheek telling you to phone them - why waste your time, they just try it on to cause alarm, distress and harassment, a favourite of the police.

Glad you have a good MP, mines a tit in a trance - has always got appointments in his online book but will never consent to seeing me.
Even with proven corruption and lies in the Town Hall that affected me and other residents, he blatantly said he could not get involved, backpedalled and contradicted himself.
Probably because he knows them as its his home town.
He used to be seen often in town and was very affable with residents, but since becoming a big shot and part of the Westminster Wasters, he's never seen or heard of until elections.
No I did not go to my MP. I addressed the letter to:-

Prime Minister,
10 Downing Street,

I got a letter by return saying they had contacted the relevant department.
Sorry, got the M's and the P's in the wrong order there.
It would have been the same as everyone's at the time.
Several years now without a telly licence, hadn't watched live telly for years anyway (because all crap) and SWMBO only really used BBCiplayer so it was no great loss for her to delete the apps so she couldn't log on by mistake.
We are legal, you seriously couldn't pay me to watch the utter garbage being broadcast, particularly by the state propaganda service, similarly soon as the radio fires up news or ads i change channel, haven't read what used to be known as a newspaper for getting on for 40 years.

Its easy to go online and decare youselves in no need of the licence, they reply with a memo which is valid for 2 years then in 2 years time they ask you if now require one, rinse and repeat.

There's more than enough crap on Prime and Netflix to be going on with.

Funny thing about being away from the telly for many years, when i go to a certain delivery point, probably once a fortnight on average, there's two trucks and we both get there 1/2 hour before delivery time and go and have breakfast in the canteen, in which there's a telly on the wall, it's disturbing in a science fiction 60's film scenario to see how many are glued trance like to the morning bilge flickering from the screen, almost like they're being programmed.