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When you can’t seperate CV from axle


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2013
This works

Google offered no helpful suggestions beyond the obvious and typical right way to do it , and a number of people who eventually resorted to cutting it off . I slipped the steel scaffold pipe over the axle and dropped it from an upstairs window onto heavy steel plate several times Without success so I had to sleep on it to find a new idea .

Brand new CV and snap ring still took a few lumberjack blows to part .
Easiest way is to put a piece of tube slightly larger and longer than the half shaft upright with the end on a wooden block, then put the end of the half shaft just in the open end of the tube (both tube and shaft in line vertically) and drop it. Be ready to catch the burfield as the half shaft hits the wood.

Worked well when i did mine. Not a lumberjack in sight and i'm OK!! :D
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The genuine ones come apart with the tube method. Aftermarket ones usually need more brutal methods.
I have never been successful in removing a cv using the tube method. I have before just smashed the outer off the cv with said lump hammer
The same brand of CV changed 2 years ago on the other side parted no problem at all .

I mistakenly ordered a pre-94 CV and fitted it to a 97 truck so it had zero miles and zero wear to assist disassembly .
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Tube method works best IMO. A heavy walled piece of steel tube (namely from an aroprop) to transfer maximimun energy to the joint. It didnt work as good with stock material. Also if you are replacing the CV I would recommend using OEM $$$ or replacing them both with same brand $ as very small discrepancies in the ABS ring can give abs problems. Just depends on the quality of the individual part.
Only myself to blame after she stood in grease and traipsed it through the house beat me to death and dragged me out of the morgue to clean up .

I found part of a broken outer snap ring and I've never broke one , so evidently i picked up the outer ring from the old cv and put it on the shaft to secure the new cv .
It wasn't going to part until i broke the ring :doh:

On a side note I did both sides new gaskets and swivel bearing , the difference is astonishing , feels so tight i keep looking at the rpm expecting to see i'm pushing harder to reach normal speeds but i'm not . Will take some getting used to .
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