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Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2013
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Hey guys, seen this Zinga stuff mentioned a few times lately. Must confess never heard of it, but sounds good. Is it just another cold galvanizing paint, perhaps like galvafroid, does it react with the rust? Any info greatly appreciated as just started under my 120.
Previously on my lj78 I used aquasteel all over, stone chip and hammerite underseal- all after extensive prep. Would the Zinga be better than aqua steel as a base, which I have used exclusively for years with good long lasting results.
Sorry, put this in wrong section I think. Saw the reference to and asked the question.
Incidentally i thought the pots made more economical sense given the price of rattle cans , but i was wrong and i will only buy the spray stuff in future .
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Personally my favourite. Has been for years. Nice side order of chips and some spicy wings make it even better. Gotta love a zinga burger from kfc
Personally my favourite. Has been for years. Nice side order of chips and some spicy wings make it even better. Gotta love a zinga burger from kfc
Sorry loosing the plot here. Wife working from home as pregnant my jobs been cancelled as they really don't want the bathroom ripping out this week as they have kids at home with the virus , my little girls been pulled out of nursery and my boy James has all the symptoms of it now.. but I do love a zinger burger!!!
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Shayne, I thought it was you that had been one that was singing the praises of zing. I also like to use rattle cans of stuff, sometimes giving more coats to cover and make up thickness, can get into awkward areas withour shit dripping down arms and where you are working too.
Gav, that made me laff, had an image in my head of chips and wings being stuffed in my gob with one hand while painting with the other then forgetting which was which, yuk!
I'm sorry you have had all that laid on you and yours in one go, very worrying. I hope it pans out o.k. and you all come out the other side unscathed. Good luck ! John
Just looked at rattle cans, £25 for 500ml. !!
Just off to hook up to my blood pressure monitor
Yup but i figured a quick and easy finish to one particular job so bought just one , i was very surprised at how long the can lasted though , I will take a pic tomorrow see how its held up with the eastwoods chassis black on top .
Shayne, I thought it was you that had been one that was singing the praises of zing. I also like to use rattle cans of stuff, sometimes giving more coats to cover and make up thickness, can get into awkward areas withour shit dripping down arms and where you are working too.
Gav, that made me laff, had an image in my head of chips and wings being stuffed in my gob with one hand while painting with the other then forgetting which was which, yuk!
I'm sorry you have had all that laid on you and yours in one go, very worrying. I hope it pans out o.k. and you all come out the other side unscathed. Good luck ! John
Thanks mate sure everything will turn out ok though. Just the shit were all facing at the moment. James is young and fit and the wife can stay at home where she's out of harms way. Just gotta get on with it. At least I might get some time to do my drawer build in the back of the truck now. Every cloud eh!!
Best of luck to you Gav , i've had my worst financial year ever and the next 2 weeks were all set to be the turnaround , now its looking like i will be shut down and left with the dilemma of do i sack them or pay their rent and living costs in the hope it will be weeks rather than months before they can get back at the job .
Best of luck to you Gav , i've had my worst financial year ever and the next 2 weeks were all set to be the turnaround , now its looking like i will be shut down and left with the dilemma of do i sack them or pay their rent and living costs in the hope it will be weeks rather than months before they can get back at the job .
It's a job to know what to do for the best Shayne. I think if this runs into months rather than weeks then most small to medium businesses are really going to suffer. I've had jobs cancelled in the last few hours as people are really not sure how things will pan out. When it's all over most will be financially insecure as it doesn't take long with little or no income to really tip the balance. I'm self employed like yourself my only saving grace is other than my family I don't have anyone to support in work. I only hope it's over and done with reasonably quickly. The aftermath will hang around for many months even years I believe. I can only wish you all the best in your bussiness and hope normality resumes soon. Fishing industry is a fucking hard game at the best of times. All the best to you your workers and family.
So long as we have our health its all just memories in the making and i'm in a better position because i'm solvent but for some this is going to be a total blitz of all they have worked for .
And what of the others , Helen has 40 years behind her in what is to her the same company though its now owned by some global corporation who doesn't even know how many thousands they employ , no ifs or buts they will just sack everyone if profits take a dip because they can just employ more worthless slaves when its all over . The long term effects are worrying indeed .
I feel for you guys. I had 30 odd years of being S/E, and now fortunate to be retired, no mortgage and solvent.
Average Joe out there think it's a doddle, and can work when we want and do what we want - far from it.
We, or you now, work longer harder hours, in all weather's, for not a great deal more, if any, with no holidays pay, sick pay etc. OK, our choice, but we/ you all help with the economy.
The problem affecting small outfits is like Shayne says, do you lay them off to keep yourself afloat, or keep them on , and all go down. Some of them are mate's you employ, and when this is over if you are still trading, you may not get those reliable people back, as they have found employment elsewhere.
Not sure how employment rules affect those on P.A.Y.E. as in normal circumstances there has to be a period of notice, redundancy ....... and could be an ideal opportunity for some unscrupulous employers to fuck people off they didnt want but were unable to do before.
All fishermen are self employed gypsies , from tea boy to skipper to owner no contracts and no guarantees , political correctness never entered this game reputation and willingness to fight governs things generally , it all operates on trust . That same trust has me 20 odd grand in debt for work done and orders being put together for delivery , "you aint going anywhere pay us when you can" is what they tell me .
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Its only 9 months since the above new steel was coated with zinga and eastwoods chassis black and its not a great pic because it has runs of mud all over it , pissing down however so that's all your getting and i should say i imagine the caster hanger got a battering on the Snowdonia trip .
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