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40 series towbar - help


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
I need to get some detailed photos of a towbar for a 40 series including the location points for the bottom support bars that go forward and onto the chassis.


I have a EU stamped adjustable height towbar but whenever we used it in the UK I had a couple of 5 ton ratchet straps from the bottom to the chassis which worked fine but is not acceptable in Spain - those bars have to be metal. Also the towbar set up has to be approved by an engineer and once on the truck's fisha techniqua (vehicle passport which details all aspects of the vehicle) - it stays on.
Normally a towbar fitting company would supply, fit and authorize the paperwork but no-one lists a towbar for a 40 - there's a surprise! So we have to get an engineer not only to approve but he has to design, specify the metal and then create the certification but if I can supply photos then maybe I can get the price down a bit. Currently we are looking at the best part of 1,000 euros for the engineer and another 300 to get the paperwork sorted and official.

I noticed that @tonytoyota has a towbar on the truck he selling but the more photos of various set ups I have the better my chances are. We only want to fit it to try a teardrop trailer as we are getting a bit old for this tent lark.

Many thanks.


I'm sure there must be a few second hand ones lying about that have come off 40's. Can you not bolt on an old one and say it has always been fitted?
Yes it would certainly help if if could find a s/h one but I would still need photos because this is Spain and everything has to have the correct documentation. So a s/h one plus photos could convince an engineer and then he might do the docs and then we could get it onto truck's papers. It's not like the UK!
Nice idea, thanks.


Hi I will get you pics wen I can get to the cruiser good look with it .
Here's a photo of mine. Just bolts on to the back of the chassis. Then there is a bit of angle at the back that had two bolts up into the underside of the chassis. DSC_0026.JPG
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That helps, many thanks.
Is the horizontal bar below the chassis a part of it?

I am going to need to use the drop plate otherwise the tow ball centre will be at 27 inches which is too high for the trailer, but the main thing is to be able to show the engineer the options that have been used.

Thanks again.


Here is another photo from underneath. Not very clear I'm afraid . The rear step gets in the way a bit. Hopefully you can see that the drop plate is welded to a piece of angle with a strengthening gusset that extends either side of the drop plate. This has two bolts vertically back into the chassis.

That's different in some aspects to mine on my Aussie 1978 HJ45:




Hope that helps; mines pretty much the same as most of them on 45 series ute here in Aus; no idea what it's rated to, but I can tow a maximum of 1.5x the tare weight of the 'Cruiser, so about 2750kg from what I understand.
They all seem to be fairly home-made efforts. This is one from my FJ45.

Many thanks for the photos, they all help.

The Spanish authorities are not fond of homemade stuff and always want manufacturer's number and plates on things but my drop bar has a EU certification plate on it so we're in with a chance.

Appreciate the help.


Hayman Reese still make one for the 45/47, it's listed on their Australian website so that at least would be a manufactured one... albeit from Australia...
Hi Rodger have a look at big berths the blue Cruiser number 2 might be the way to go hope it helps.
Thanks for the photos, pointers to threads and websites. It all helps.

Now all I have to do is find a sympathetic engineer,as most of them over here don't want to be involved in anything out of the ordinary which includes any vehicle pre-1986 (pre 17 digit vin numbers).


Bit of an update...
Firstly I exchanged emails with the head engineer at Toyota Gibraltar who told me that the plate on the drop was legal and to find an engineer and get someone to make to his design, etc..
After following up several leads which were all dead ends, we had a stroke of luck...
We were over @Dave2000 doing some bits on his 80 and I needed some sealer and during our trip round we came across a place that had numerous 4x4s outside including a competition Hilux and 80 plus 2 modified FJs. The business is run by two brothers and they were enthusiastic about our 40 and they can make the necessary bits to mount the drop bar and their dad is a registered engineer and he will number stamp the support bar and do all the paperwork. It won't be cheap but...
They compete the Hilux in the Spanish Off Road Championship while their 80 is used in Raids in Morocco - virtually all the electronics removed and 340bhp. The FJs have nitrogen shocks, full roll cages and loads of modifications.
Back at Dave's next week so visit the brothers again and see if we can get to an agreeable price.


Hi looking good Rodger good look with it hope all go's will.:thumbup: