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Can you use pink stuff paste on car paint


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2013
Google doesn’t know and because I was astonished how easy it made cleaning an old tin baking tray better than it has looked for more than 10 years late last night , and because I’m going to paint it anyway I figured I’d find out .


It’s not by any standard clean but 2 minutes with a wet sponge in the dark . The first pic probably doesn’t show very well but I need to paint that thumb print as well so I give it a little rub and with the naked eye you can clearly see the polished bit .

Really quite tempted to give the pink stuff a shot with my meguires polishing machine .
Wow Shayne, what is this pink stuff. Sorry never heard of it. Is it polish or kind of wash, wax n polish hybrid?
A definate difference there Shayne, dunno where you get these ideas, but it works !
I expect the mild abrasives in the stuff does the work, and it will smell proper nice with the added perfume. No full list of ingredients on the tub I've got, but says data sheet available.
Just need to be a bit careful with the buffer and keep it wet, if it dries out it will take off/ burn the paintwork. Interested to see how that goes.
I guess any sort of water based, mildly abrasive polish will buff paint. I've even used tooth paste in the past.
Yep a mild abrasive . Difference is its more like a deep clean that should remove minor scratches .

I use Cartec diamond cut compound but no point in getting it out unless i have an hour to kill and then another hour to clean up the mess . Pink Stuff just rinses off like soap .

A pound well spent i reckon .
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Same stuff as people use to clean caravans I think. I have a tub of it somewhere. I use it to clean my trailer.
Ok it finally sort of almost stopped raining long enough today to have another play with this and suffice to say I was satisfied enough with the result to attack my 80 in the same way .
The spray stuff is a waste of time by the way , i wanted to try the cream stuff but it was sold out . Looks better again with a quick coat of wax but i forgot to photo that .
Wiped it over with a rag and that turtle wax which must have sat in my shed unopened for years yesterday and this morning it looked like this

Which reminded I’ve had the spray sat on a shelf for at least a couple of years and struck me as a chance to test all this ceramic hype nonsense given the car won’t be washed or moved any time soon .


I expect it to look no different tomorrow morning as it did today but you never know .
That water beading after rain is the most satisfying thing. That ceramic wax is good, it needs 1st base coat and 24 hrs later second spray n rinse coat. It’s just easy apply quick job. I applied ceramic polish n wax, ceramic paste wax and topped with this meguairs spray.
I used that over weekend as had white paint scrape down the side, (don't ask). I initially used T cut, but it was hard work for little result. Pinched the Mrs pink stuff, and off it came, easy.
I found it needed to be waxed after to revitalise the shine too, not surprising being soapy and very mildly abrasive. Good tip.
You mean i have to get soaked doing it again tomorrow :wtf:

The pics with two bottles is overnight after Turtle Wax only . Second pic i'd sprayed with the ceramic , rinsed and dried as best i could in light drizzle rain .
Right second coat of ceramic applied , and bare in mind the bonnet paint is/was damaged beyond repair before I started . I’ve tested all sorts of different paints , cutting compounds , polishing pads on it in the past without a care because the experts had already told me all my efforts were in vain because at some point in the trucks life it’s been clear coated and so I would never find a colour match .

Cheap and nasty Halfords paint on the scoop suffered most from bird dropping acid but the whole bonnet has suffered the same .

So what your seeing here is a bored to tears sick of the rain non specific product test .
Looks like the 1 minute vid on the ipad isn't going to upload , its been on 0% for 20 minutes so thats that then :icon-rolleyes:
I guess I just don’t know how to post videos ?
I think you normally need to host them elsewhere (YouTube) and post a link to them from here.
Theres a strange ball of light in the sky and morning dew has begun to thaw out and so at this point i'm happy to state the ceramic treated bonnet is shedding water considerably better than the 80 which has far better paint condition but is only treated with wax .