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Cruise Control

The cruise control also relies on the speed sensors in the transmission. Does the cruise light flash any codes when you try to use it. Top speed when on cruise control is sensitive to throttle cable slack so make sure the cable system is giving the injector rack full throttle.

Hedley Berge
If i start the cruiser and press the cruise control the light comes on but as soon as I am driving and try the cruise control it will not come on at all, but I need to check next time to be above 30 km/h and below 100 km/h apparently. But I want those limits off.
I hope I'm not going to confuse things but on my petrol 80 my cruise control wouldn't work at night when I had the lights on, no idea why, it got sold before I could investigate the problem.
Try reading the cruise control fault codes from the diagnostic port under the bonnet. Cant remember off the top of my head which ones , but you bridge two of the connectors. The cruise light will flash. Old school flash code. Look at your manual for which connectors to bridge and the flash code reference chart.