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Drinking fuel

karl webster

Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
Anyone got any ideas to this problem.
I have put 150pounds worth of fuel in mux. That is only diesel not running veg oil at the min. I have coverd 270miles and im out of fuel. Usually i get between 260 around town and 360 on a run,thats to a full tank.
It has has a tank and a half in it,so im half a tank out somewhere.
Fuel pump to far advanced/retarded?????
Fuel pump need setting up?
Doesnt make much sence. Any help ? Thanks in advance karl
I have had a similar experience. 326 miles and 81.57Ltr that equates to 18.7mpg. I'm usually up around 22 - 23mpg. Not good but put it down to traffic slowing down for bad weather.

You been out playing in the snow?? Faulty fuel pump not delivering what it displayed?
My fuel consumption is definitely worse in cold weather but not by a massive amount.
If it is damp and cool I get 26
hot and dry 25
Cold snowy 22
Cheers les. Ye out playing but never get less than 260 whatever i do with the truck normally. When i had it break down on me the other weekend i was on cooking oil and it seemed to be doing good mpg. Since i have put diesel alone in it its been using it likes its going out of fashion. I dont want to go back to 100percent oil untill i have worked and made my kit better. If its running how it should on diesel i can then move forward. Having a set of injectors reconed tomoz so that is my first port of call
Hi Karl

Fuel consumption will be well off in cold weather.

I use acetone about 150-200 ml per tank. Does help.
Hi adrian,
Ive had alot of 80s and never had this before though. 50pounds more to do the same milage?? Can that be right at all?
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If you've been plodding along in the snow for hours Karl that can really guzzle the fuel and sitting on tickover uses quite a bit as well.
can it really use that much more though jon.Any other time at my worst driving,i would get 400 miles to that amount. Im 140 miles out. Ive never known it before.
karl wester said:
can it really use that much more though jon.Any other time at my worst driving,i would get 400 miles to that amount. Im 140 miles out. Ive never known it before.
Could you have a leak somewhere? I expect you've already checked for that. Is it smoking much? That's usually a dead give away for over fueling.
Checked for leaks jon. No black smoke. Only thing different i have noticed is a burning oil smell. If turbo was on way out could it be making the pump work harder to get the power that is needed.That is the only thing i could think where the oil smell is coming from. Engine was rebuilt 10,000 ago so i dont even want to be thinking down that road. Spoke to my engine man today and he says engine will be fine.
Out of interest, have you checked the oil level?
Yes paul, My level does usually go up slightly due to the cooking oil. Hasnt really changed since been back on diesel though.
The wifes' Disco has a pre-heater which comes on automatically when the temp gets down to (i think) 4 deg., assists warm up - but does drop the mpg.

Very low pressure at the moment as well.

Also - are you using lots of electrics so the alternator is working harder?

How many miles per litre does it work out at?

Never work it out per litre wobbly. Always go on a full tank and usually take it to the last drop. I know you shouldnt but it usually happens that way.
You may,and i will repeat MAY have just raised a very good answer to my question asked.
Due to the fact i run on cooking oil i have a heat exchanger that gets red hot that my cooking oil runs in. At the min i have the truck running standard apart from the heat exchanger is piped up ie my diesel line is going through it.
Well Maybe that is my problem. I would have thought it would have helped it tho not made it worse.
Thanks in advance tho if this shows to be my problem :clap: :thumbup: :clap:

I seem to recall reading that heating veg is good but diesel bad. Is it possible to turn off the heat exchanger power when running on diesel to see if that helps?


Hi richard. The heat exchanger is piped up to my cooling system as I have two seperate tanks,one for oil and one for diesel. I start up on diesel then when the engine is hot i turn over to oil using two electric vavles. All i will have to do is take my fuel line off the heat exchanger and put it straight to the fuel filter
Hi Karl, If you are going by cost rather then quantity, have you taken the 20-30% increase on fuel over the last year into consideration plus playtime in the snow.
Hi dave, I run other 4.2 cruisers as well as my personal truck. The cruisers that are forsale are never run on cooking oil so i have to use diesel mate