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karl webster

Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
Do many of you guys use the ration type meals when camping overlanding etc?
Cant really see the point. Food is pretty cheap and plentiful everywhere unless youre going to the North Pole!! Its also a damn sight cheaper, healthier and tastier the further away from western europe you get
Cant really see the point. Food is pretty cheap and plentiful everywhere unless youre going to the North Pole!! Its also a damn sight cheaper, healthier and tastier the further away from western europe you get

i was thinking more of a back up or something to knock up quickly if needed.
No most are horrid and not big enough for me, I just keep a few tins of quick stuff to warm up if we are desperate and never used one yet
i was thinking more of a back up or something to knock up quickly if needed.
Well i'm in the arse end of Georgia (Europe) at the moment, its 11pm and i guaantee you i could grab some bread (fresh), cheese, fruit, funny ham etc etc in a little shop, if I didnt want to go for a tasty dinner for about 7 euros...............

Honestly, you can knock out a pot of rice and veg for example in 15 minutes anywhere in the world and its actually nice!!
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I don't, but know people who do. @mussy took loads to Morocco.

Useful to have if you go away from civilisation for a while and as an emergency backup. One of my Western Sahara group for this September swears by the French versions. I had a look at the ones he had last year and its a comprehensive mix of food for the day.

Of course if its just a 2 week holiday round Europe your better of buying locally
I don't, but know people who do. @mussy took loads to Morocco.

Useful to have if you go away from civilisation for a while and as an emergency backup. One of my Western Sahara group for this September swears by the French versions. I had a look at the ones he had last year and its a comprehensive mix of food for the day.

Of course if its just a 2 week holiday round Europe your better of buying locally

I know a few who do. I have a few packets to try. its not the usual crap.
I enjoy cooking when we camp. theres been times when it would be handy to just have a meal to hand.

That's an example of the French ration pack contents. All the ones Ive looked at are expensive though compared to buying food locally.
We've used microwave rice or couscous from Tesco or where ever. Its pre-cooked and can be heated with a little boiling water in 2 or 3 minutes on a stove. The packs come flavoured Mexican/Mediterranean/Morrocan/Chilli/etc. We use them as the base of the meal, adding fresh or canned meat/fish/sauce/veg etc. They sell for about £1.50 so a lot cheaper than MRE's. Also very handy if you stop late at night and want something quick, as is normally the case with us.

The other thing that is handy is boil in a bag rice. Needs to be actually cooked so takes longer but no need to carry a pot full of holes to seive off the water, and is otherwise useless :)
I ve used them. The military 24hr ration packs have all sorts in them but I’ve had the main meals on their own from the local army surplus store which aren’t at all bad. Very easy to heat up in the jet boil and no washing up bar a fork. Unless there’s an alternative as mentioned, they’re pretty good as a standby.
I've been following a guy on youtube called patrick dickinson and he does wild camping and the like. However he cooks his own meals to take out on hiking trips, but what interested me was that he dehydrated his home cooked meals before leaving. The beauty with this is that he knows what's in the meal he's eating.

This is my preferred way of consuming food as you know the ingredients that are in there and you're not buying/eating something that you're not aware of the process involved.. Just how I believe it to be..
I put food in vacuum seal bags. They pack nice and flat, boil in the bag so there's no pan to wash up and less bulky waste. I even take stuff out of cans and vac bag it. Sometimes I freeze it before I go then it acts like an ice pack in the fridge. Anything left over like Bol sauce or chilli goes into the vacuum sealer and into the freezer. Ready for a trip. Grab and go. Vac bagging things keeps them fresh. I do chillis, ginger and so on. We've even done some fine cigars.
At the last sept version of th AOL Patrick got some MREs from a surplus store and decided to eat OLD rather than fresh cooked they were not that nice since they were well out of date the one which had the sponge lemon pudding was totally bloody gopping smelt like grotty dogs after a two week wet NATO exercise in a swamp just ask Emma at Jacob 100 and for those not in the know grotty dogs is mil slang fot socks as most ration packs are out of date the only good things are the boileys and maybe the chocolate which has white sugar stains but edible
A tin of rice pudding mmmm a goose feather mattress for a rumbly tumbly seem mates almost come to blows other a tin of rice pudding they came from the ten man packs so had a lot more choice so Karl that might be the one to go for as if it tastes gopping bin it and get another one and you get a tin of boileys
You’re not selling this too well there Y’know Steve…:think: :crazy:
Mr Star if you fancy joining up for a few years you get ration packs that are in date and its all down to the chef to mix fresh and ration packs to turn you into that sculpted lean mean killin machine you dreamt of being when you were seven haha but in the real world they do have appeal for preppers and would be ok to fill a hole late at night but there are better options out there Stan had some for sale in his webbed shop and it would be in date
The way i'm reading it Karl is - hungry can't be arsed need to sleep , tinned rice pudding is like a chocolate bar only it will fill your stomach , might have a 3 year use by date even if you can still eat it 10 years later .

Or cold Heinz beans if you don't like your passenger :lol: