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Lincomb October 6th,7th Weekend,

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Thought I would make a quick adjustment to my front end in time for lincomb. SWMBO hates it without the bling and doesn't think it looks as mean . But me likey very much

Nice to see some winches on hand! Hoping it won't come to needing a pull out!! Putting some faith in the triple lockers but my tyres are nowhere near as meaty as the ones on that land rover in the puddle!!!!! Ah we'll that's another thing, we'll see and look forward to sat. Roll on.
Dont forget to fill in the catering poll guys. Ill be doing the shopping on Monday and I dont want to end up not having enough to feed everyone.

The Friday dinner will be Chilli with Rice. Ill do it mild and there will be a bottom burner chilli sauce the braver ones can add as required!

If anyone is vegetarian or allergic to anything please let me know.

ie. General camping eating ware. We will have a limited supply of disposable stuff for anyone who forgets or doesnt have camping stuff but its cheaper, easier and better for the environment if you bring your own.

Mild chilli? is that an oxymoron, like vegetarian bacon? I don't think that there are many of us there for Friday night - hands up for a girl's chilli? Nope, thought not. Bring it on baby..

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Sorry Chris But 1 hand up for girlie chilli and 1 for the hot stuff. Unfortunately my backside just cant take it unless you can fit the andrex factory in your fridge.

If this wants to go in a seperate thread then just let me know, this seemed like best place for it though.

Does anyone think its worth bring my ground anchor to Lincomb because quite frankly its massive. I only usually lug it out when there is only a couple of us out laneing, just in case. But I think with the amount of trucks on had next weekend it may be a little redundant.

Nah. Lincomb is made from two things. Trees and Landcruisers. You are unlikely to be more than four feet from something to winch to.

Oh Lord, I'm surrounded. What you lads really want is Cottage pie with beans in. Give me strength. :icon-rolleyes:

Don't you start! You can go home for your tea.

Good lad, that's the spirit.

ha ha

I think that I may have to go for Girly Chilli, the last time I had chilli at Lincombe I had to to evacuate my own tent due to the aftermath.......:shock::shock: I had to walk 20 yards to find fresh air.... But I do like it hot when I have room.

Right - I need to change my vote for the poll to 'nil' for Friday night :lol:

My idea of "mild" could mean that you at least have time to make it to the bog!? Its all perspective :p

Dont worry Ill make sure the add in sauce is suitably nuclear for those who feel the need for a good clear out!
I'm rethinking all of this. I may not come at all now :cry:

I'm really upset.

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