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Sarah Everard


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2013
Not to detract from the tragic circumstance that should never happen , I'm confused by all that's followed .

Are the feminists protesting their right to be recognized as the weaker sex or am i missing something :confusion-shrug:
I guess this section of the forum is well and truly hidden , mind you i got a digital like spellchecker warning for saying "weaker" :lol: what is the world coming to when you can't ask a blunt and honest question :crazy:
Not to detract from the tragic circumstance that should never happen , I'm confused by all that's followed .

Are the feminists protesting their right to be recognized as the weaker sex or am i missing something :confusion-shrug:

I think it's just the gauntlet that young women have to run in everyday life that they're tired of.
As for weaker.. The evidence just doesn't support that... They outlive us, can tolerate higher pain thresholds, have greater endurance, suffer less form illness and disease. Academically they outperform men across the board, they commit suicide in far lower numbers.
In the narrowest of definitions they have less strength than an equivalent male, but if i was to build a all conquering killer terminator robot there's no way I'd start with a man.
I'm inclined to agree but i just don't get it , do they aim to make it illegal to be male ?

Maybe they should ban this

Until the human race evolves into hermaphrodite reproduction as other species have naturally gender differences will remain deeply rooted in a couple of hundred thousand years of D.N.A .

Perhaps we should all take to the streets decrying the fact that men in all walks of life are far more likely to suffer injury or violent assault , go to prison , be murdered , become homeless , commit suicide etc etc , or should we just accept "boys will be boys"