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Throttle body butterfly plate removal


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2014
Country Flag
Can someone show me a pic or diagram that shows where and what this plate looks like?
So I bin the right thing...
I'm going to change my username to 'toolsplus120' because my 80 series is a finished project.
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Yeah,I've read that,good thread but I'm itching to get the tools out and bin something more from the 120,very satisfying
You did have it in the right 120 section tp.
Sorry no help with pics, looking now.
The spindle shown in your pic down end of throttle body where you can see the spindle with butterfly removed I spoke about, has a circular flat brass? plate fixed to it that turns (opens and closes) with that spindle dependant on your right foot.
You can see it with the front connecting hose removed, once the throttle body is removed, it will be more apparent.
Searching for pics.....
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Toolsplus, haven't got any pics, and a search on here shows nothing clear.
Look on eBay, landcruiser 120 throttle body, there are some end on showing butterfly (and others with same thing) Sorry can't do links.
Thanks Tm,it's coming off in the summer,I'll be ready by then.
I'll post up the pics.
I've left the Ozbush mapper in situ but turned off so there's no warning light on the dash.
The only thing I noticed was when accelerating on a slip road it's not as speedy.It does tickover better cold or hot,feels smoother and quieter and the torque is much the same.
I'm happy today so I'll leave things alone until the summer.
Decided to try things without the faulty Ozbush mapper with sucess today,unplugged things and replugged OEM things and no warning light appeared on the dash.
So now it's going in the bin which makes the 120 lighter again...
Going to wait til summer to do this because the 120 is running good at the moment.
I'll get a Techstream diagnosis and see what's happening inside,then fit new injectors if necessary and clean everything while also removing the butterfly plate.
I dont like to do anything unless it could be breaking or broken!