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URGENT Landcruiser 80 stolen

karl webster

Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
Hi guys.
A guy i knows 80 pick up has been stolen last night from Parwich near Ashbourne.
If anyone sees it or hears anything let me know please.
This is it.

Sorry to hear about your truck Anthony , it will be the lowlife scum that is plaguing Britain .will keep eye out and pass it on , great truck by the way.
Damn shame, looks an amazing mod. Luckily its so unusual that someone will see it.
Hopefully someone will see it soon steve ive been sharing where i can so anywhere anyone can share is a bonus
Another heartfelt sad case to an original truck and owner.

Hopefully it turns up soon.

Makes you think about fitting a tracker to these as it kinda getting common place for thieves.
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Another heartfelt sad case to an original truck and owner.

Hopefully it turns up soon.

Makes you think about fitting a tracker to these as it kinda getting common place for thieves.

I Agree Dervis.
Cruisers have always been a safe option to own compared to Ld.
The more saftey steps we can take the better.
Another heartfelt sad case to an original truck and owner.

Hopefully it turns up soon.

Makes you think about fitting a tracker to these as it kinda getting common place for thieves.
Not given it a lot if thought ,tracker wise but if the price is right it’s a no brainier for me as most would probably agree .
Not given it a lot if thought ,tracker wise but if the price is right it’s a no brainier for me as most would probably agree .
Need a visible deterrent too.

Part of the whole security strategy, yeah a tracker is no brainer.
As a society we don´t put a high enough price on crime. Put the price up untill they can´t afford it. Even if it stops at the death penalty it´their choice not us being bullies. I bought a big bold police jacket off ebay and have it in the back window.
As you say Frank.

If they lost hands then worse like in other countries im sure this would happen far less.
I just feel sorry for the guy, he spent hour and hours making that truck how he wanted it and in a few minutes some c*nt has stolen it and it's going to be found burnt out or stripped for parts.
As a society we don´t put a high enough price on crime. Put the price up untill they can´t afford it. Even if it stops at the death penalty it´their choice not us being bullies. I bought a big bold police jacket off ebay and have it in the back window.
Great idea , although they are brazen enough now days , just to break in for the coat itself.
That is gutting. I hope he tracks it down before it’s too late.

I’ve started using a Bulldog 4x4 wheel-clamp along with the Stoplock Pro steering wheel lock. Gets some funny looks but it takes 20 seconds to put it on and two chunky bright yellow visual deterrents must be better than one.
Sad news Karl. I’ve had this happen and it affects your whole life for a long time after. Hope it’s soon recovered. Fitting a tracker or making it hard to steal is a good idea. You only have to forget to set an alarm once or be in a hurry and it fit a clamp or lock and that’s when it will happen. Thieves will strip a car looking for a tracker if they know it has one. Would I tell them…hmm not sure.
I really feel for this guy. I was in a similar position a few years back when I had a bike nicked. The knot you have in your stomach and the rage you have in your head takes over your life because, for a while, that's all you can think about. People say "it's just a possession, you can buy another" but it's much more than that. I hope this guy gets his truck back intact. Pity he can't legally administer his own justice.

As a society we don´t put a high enough price on crime. Put the price up untill they can´t afford it. Even if it stops at the death penalty it´their choice not us being bullies. I bought a big bold police jacket off ebay and have it in the back window.

That's it in a nutshell Frank. I think everyone's aware the Police are massively over stretched and the problem isn't helped by the weak sentences handed out by the courts for such crime. We're in an age when even Police vehicles get vandalised and broken into and, short of having a live Police dog in the back, it's no deterrent.