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Would you buy a driverless car?

Would you buy a driverless card

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Staff member
Feb 24, 2010
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Not quite the there yet but wondering, would you buy one as a daily-driver / commuter?

Thinking I would. :wtf:
No, at least not in the near future.

Might think about it when I'm old and grey and have lost my senses........Oh hang on,.......I think I may need a driverless car now!
No, at least not in the near future.

Might think about it when I'm old and grey and have lost my senses........Oh hang on,.......I think I may need a driverless car now!
Me too! :character-oldtimer:. .
I wouldn't have a problem with it as long as it was an optional thing.
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Yes, and I'd give it to the wife
Yes.... would look forward to filling in the next NIP then :icon-biggrin:
That's an interesting point, can you "drive" home in one if you're inebriated? You not allowed to be in control (or in charge?) of a vehicle whole drunk. Would be interesting

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Roll out of the back seat on to the road :obscene-drinkingdr: "nothin to do with me officslur the wife told it to bring me home" :lol:
We have systems where the car will park itself, you just sit there and let it park. Very strange feeling but works very well.

and auto parking cars are shite. If you can't park a car in a space as big as they need you shouldn't be driving. can park it better myself.
It would also take the fun out of joy riding and theft.

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On a serious note i voted no . It wouldn't work unless every vehicle on the road was running the same program without exception . Reminds me of an accident that claimed the lives of 3 people , BMW had just released a car with black ice sensors and the young lads following the BMW in something like a 15 year old ford fiesta didn't have the sensors nor traction control or anything like that , not even sure anti lock brakes were common back then . The lads were found posthumously to be innocent of any wrongdoing as was the BMW driver .
On a serious note i voted no . It wouldn't work unless every vehicle on the road was running the same program without exception ..

I disagree whole heartedly. If we did take that approach then we would stall in any development.
It certainly does make it harder to develop the software because now you're having to cater for random idiots on the road (us). If it was all software then it would be very easy and very safe - the cars simply have a system like ACAS where the two vehicles would decide between themselves what corrective action to take and avoid a collision. Sadly though, one of the parties will be a human and humans do random things which the system is going to have to try to counter.

There will be accidents and it'll be interesting to see how the blame game works then. I suspect the hysterical media would hype up the killer cars - Sun / Mirror will use that headline when the first person is knocked over by a driverless car.

In reality, far more is being sent on research and development on how to make these cars safe than it is testing a 17 year old for 30 minutes and then allowing him to drive (legally) at 70mph in a chunk of metal. Don't forget that these cars will be city-bound for the first few years. Slow traffic, low injury stuff and during that time they will massively improve the sensors. It's a few more years until they will be taking you to Devon for the summer hols.

and auto parking cars are shite. If you can't park a car in a space as big as they need you shouldn't be driving. can park it better myself.

Couldn't agree more.
my wife has one already

I drive the blood thing and she tell me what shop she wants to spend my money
every piece of technology I have is shite. it's full of bugs, crashes and does random shite. would I trust my life to the sort of unreliable shite that (occasionally) runs my computer and tablet? would I fuck, I'd sooner remove my own testicles with a rusty spoon whilst being fed rhino turds on a cow pat plater whilst being taken from behind by a particularly well hung giraffe called Gerald
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