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A bit of controversy

Guys, if you have a problem with each other take it offline please, this does the forum no favours.
Moderators - this thread should be locked/closed imho.

Agreed, it's only doing damage. But if closed it will be considered censorship or a "heavy hand".

Potentially there's no end to this if it runs it's course.

Sorry I lost it earlier. :?
Think about the incentive to donate "no more ads" , thus the principal on which this forum was built screams not for profit . Pay £12 and the forum founder loses all possible revenue from advertisers . Personally i think this is wrong because i would be glad to think somebody somewhere is being duly rewarded for creating something we all enjoy .

How about we turn this post on its head by trying to think of a way the founder can make a few quid profit without hurting anyone's pocket and maybe a negative will become a positive .

To kick off here's my idea - Pay £12 and you get a few more smileys , and that's it , the only incentive , apart from the fact you want to support the site . Who cares about ads we see and ignore them 24/7 , 365 days a year so why not let the founder add that revenue to the voluntary donations thus ensuring the site will grow and prosper .
Think about the incentive to donate "no more ads" , thus the principal on which this forum was built screams not for profit . Pay £12 and the forum founder loses all possible revenue from advertisers . Personally i think this is wrong because i would be glad to think somebody somewhere is being duly rewarded for creating something we all enjoy .

How about we turn this post on its head by trying to think of a way the founder can make a few quid profit without hurting anyone's pocket and maybe a negative will become a positive .

To kick off here's my idea - Pay £12 and you get a few more smileys , and that's it , the only incentive , apart from the fact you want to support the site . Who cares about ads we see and ignore them 24/7 , 365 days a year so why not let the founder add that revenue to the voluntary donations thus ensuring the site will grow and prosper .

I'm with on this Shayne, but I see no need for incentives at all, neither "no ads" neither a supporter tag, neither extra smilies (if you don't mind me saying).

The incentive is the club and it's ability to continue, it's enough for me, it's a gold mine of info and friendly activity. That's why I don't like this thread, it only serves to divide the group and victimize individuals (imaginary or otherwise).

Society is constant compromise, can't please all of them all the time. I thought we'd found the compromise, I still do. Remove the reward labels, and put back the ads. Let's see who complains then...:icon-rolleyes:
Cheers Clive the smileys idea is daft but some need to feel they are getting something extra , those that do will use them constantly and those that don't won't it really doesn't matter .
I look on this forum as being a font of information from many sources but most of all it is the social side that is attractive to me.

As I'm not really capable of contributing technical stuff I try to keep others amused.

Unfortunately this thread is showing an anti-social aspect, could we all let it die a death?
I look on this forum as being a font of information from many sources but most of all it is the social side that is attractive to me.

As I'm not really capable of contributing technical stuff I try to keep others amused.

Unfortunately this thread is showing an anti-social aspect, could we all let it die a death?


Pretty please...?
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I think whoever started this thread should be very much ashamed of himself.

All that seems to have happened is more division, more bitterness, and no good has come from it at all.

Perhaps the original poster wasn't thinking right.

Perhaps he did not realise that this issue of £12 was beaten to death some months ago.

I think the OP needs to be more precise in who he is calling "such a heedless, grasping little worm!"

Well ?

Leave it Open

I have been accused of posting a thread that reflects badly on the forum. I don't agree.

What has a worse reflection on this forum?

That someone has a particular view and has the audacity to voice it?
That there is a demand that threads be closed and deleted, because some readers don't like or agree with that thread's content?

I read many posts on here that I disagree with, but I don't seek to have them closed or deleted.

If you don't like or agree with my view, thats fine; free choice and all that jazz. However I reserve the right to express my views, as you do yours, without the fear of having the thread closed or deleted.

Individuals have tried to turn this thread into something it is not.

I would like the thread left open.
Rollence - with absolute respect - fine - then be specific - bollocks about open and closed threads - if you have an issue with one or more individuals, speak you mind and stop the BS.
Individuals who advertise/sell items via the forum and in so doing benefit from a captive and highly targeted audience for their goods.

I firmly believe that if you want to do this, you should not be allowed to do so, unless you have made a contribution to support the forum in some way.

Now if your a bit of a clot, and really have noting to give the forum, but want to benefit from selling your stuff, then cough up the £12 and support it.

The point of my original post.

That is my view, so why try to turn this in to trying to name an individual?

I have said enough on this subject. Make of it what you will.
Is buying and selling by individuals not all part of this great forum?
I think Dave, (please correct me if I'm wrong Lazz) the original post was about those who post parts/vehicles/services on here but make no other contribution. :think:
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