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frank rabbets

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
My wife arrived home in the 3 year old golf followed by a cloud of petrol vapour due to a cut in the high pressure hose from the fuel tank. It looks very much like a rodent has been biting the plastic fuel line. Of course once they had JUST breached through into the petrol they stopped leaving the tiniest of holes. Tisn't a Stanley knife, too accurate. Any thoughts and a solution? Nightmare to change the pipe but done now, just push on plumbing type fittings.

Just in the process of stripping out and replacing insulation and repairing wiring in half attic due to rodent attack (lovely job !). Any visible holes blocked, but old stone walls and I know from past experience that they'll find a way in come winter. Due to access, putting in steel conduit (plastic would be useless) not really on, so I was thinking of trying out this stuff, not an ideal solution but maybe worth a try.
The push on fittings should be fine, they are whats in the repair kits you can buy, and whats used on either end of the pipe anyway
you try our workshop they are always replacing wiring on our dustcart and we are talking about 20 reg down 17 reg, its a war and the rats are wining

I've covered all the exposed pipes in flexi conduit and then sprayed the lot with WD40. That will stop them. (I hope).
see it regularly at work, little buggers love wiring and fuel lines!!
Make sure no sources of food near where you park and use traps.
Wd will hopefully help, blast of waxoil or something might last longer.
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Had one get up into the engine bay of the Sprinter - chewed up a diesel line and then buggered off. That was 18 months ago and touch wood no repeat - but it was definitely teeth marks at the time. Little feckers...
I thought of waxoil Gary but have had times when it makes plastic very brittle. I removed the 100 number plate lights to get at the rust. They were nice and supple on removal but when I waxoiled them and pushed them in they crumbled and fell out after a couple of days. Had similar on other hard plastic.
I thought of waxoil Gary but have had times when it makes plastic very brittle. I removed the 100 number plate lights to get at the rust. They were nice and supple on removal but when I waxoiled them and pushed them in they crumbled and fell out after a couple of days. Had similar on other hard plastic.

We spray cavity wax (stuff we get from
Bmw) around when had issues on customers cars especially underneath. Haven't had one chewed again. Doesn't seem to effect plastics.