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A late summer bbq meeting ?

I logged in but the file is read only. I will most definitely make this.

I see the free passes as a bonus but an unnecessary complication. Once we agree the 13, if anyone can use a pass or someone else wants one, for me it's theirs. Too much fannying around to try and split the money, beer etc. But if they go to someone who then doesn't turn up, they'll get my boot up their arse.

You are not an imposter, you are a member with a Landcruiser. So that's that sorted. We need an unmodified one on the stand to show the staring point.

Paying. Hmm, as the standard fee applies, from memory when we turn up we just say - we're on the Landcruiser club stand and just drive in through the exhibition field entrance. It's not like trying to get into the F1 Paddock at a Grand Prix. So not sure we actually need to pay in one lump as opposed to just paying like a normal punter.

Last year, once you were in the arena Stu, that's where you stay. You camp there and everything. What we MIGHT need though is a sticker or something to keep the marshals happy so that they let us in. Can we ask if there are 13 parking passes that need to come to us?
Are you going to design the stickers then Chris.
Design stickers? Err no Stu, I meant from the organiser - you know car parking passes? Or anyone could just turn up claiming to be on a stand couldn't they
Inquiring about that.

The only thing i can find is mention of the camping sticker that needs to be displayed on all vehicles inside the arena at all times. This is handed out at the entrance. However no mention of a pitch/club specific thing.

Maybe Stu's idea of a club sticker might be worth doing. But lets see what the organisers say.
Email confirmation print off is enough to get you on a plane or ferry .
Yes but this is a race course. And you don't get an e mail confirmation. You get an entry ticket in the post that says nothing about where you are camping hence needing sticker that says where you are camping.
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Word from Tom is that they send out passes which have club name on it, but they send them out early Sept and against the number requested.

orthogonally, it might be good to have some stickers with the url and name of the club anyway ( and maybe we need a different thread for this .. ).

pushing conversation forward on the layout and what-are-we-going-be-doing front: We likely need a large gazebo / marquee thinggy bob. Maybe on the side away from the traffic. And put the trucks in front, in a line.

Does anyone have a flag or a poster or something such ?

Dare I ask - options to reach out to Mr.T for a bit of sponsorship ?

- KB
I know Chas, but you have been ON a stand before with JV. Is that how you got into the main arena? These guys on the gates are belligerent beyond belief. Nice, but hard of understanding. You either have a stand pass or you park where they tell you in the main car park. It's that simple. I wanted to pull over for a few minutes last year to wait for someone to catch up so we could park next to each other. You'd think I was trying to board a flight illegally. The world is binary to them. You got um pass? No then you park um car there. The only other thought they are capable of processing is ... Hmm it not look like um normal Landrover.

I asked, could I miss a couple of rows so that when they arrived we could be together. Jesus H Christmas. If you've not been in the main car park for this event then you've really no idea. Now look here my good man, I have copied the logo from your website and that entitles me to park where I like.

Oh you really don't want to go there.

Club stickers is an utterly different discussion I think. Let's get entry to the arena sorted first.
I know Chas, but you have been ON a stand before with JV. Is that how you got into the main arena? These guys on the gates are belligerent beyond belief. Nice, but hard of understanding. You either have a stand pass or you park where they tell you in the main car park. It's that simple. I wanted to pull over for a few minutes last year to wait for someone to catch up so we could park next to each other. You'd think I was trying to board a flight illegally. The world is binary to them. You got um pass? No then you park um car there. The only other thought they are capable of processing is ... Hmm it not look like um normal Landrover.

I asked, could I miss a couple of rows so that when they arrived we could be together. Jesus H Christmas. If you've not been in the main car park for this event then you've really no idea. Now look here my good man, I have copied the logo from your website and that entitles me to park where I like.

Oh you really don't want to go there.

Club stickers is an utterly different discussion I think. Let's get entry to the arena sorted first.

Yes I have been on Julian V's stand and had no trouble at all in getting through the gate, the marshalls seemed quite normal to me.
Perhaps perhaps I wasn't absolutely clear about copying the logo, I meant copy the logo on top of OUR page to indicate to said marshalls we were together on a club stand.
Ahh I see.

Look the best and simplest answer here is to have a vehicle pass that says from the organiser that we're in a group and have authorisation to park on a stand. I just don't see any point trying anything else really. This is how it works the world over. It's not complicated.
Ahh I see.

Look the best and simplest answer here is to have a vehicle pass that says from the organiser that we're in a group and have authorisation to park on a stand. I just don't see any point trying anything else really. This is how it works the world over. It's not complicated.
And we should have those early September.
Job jobbed. Nice work. So we just pay as individuals, then distribute the passes and we're all in and tucked up.

We wouldn't we going as exhibitors - for those who haven't been before. This is just a way of all parking together as a club inside the main arena but away from the actual stands
Sheet at : should now be fixed, and editable.

Chris, what I understood was that we are getting a nominated patch in the expo area and should expect folks to walk past + want to talk etc.

Attached here is the layout, we are in the two box's inside the big red oval on the right side..

AO-15 Site Plan.png
I have tried to explain this and maybe I am failing. There are three parts to the show. The car park for the general public. There are exhibitors who are flogging stuff and then basically another car park area for people (in groups) who want to show and share their vehicles like a sort of car show. People wander about and just chat. We're not selling anything nor really promoting anything. We're just there for the sake of being potentially interesting to people. Last year they had a massive contingent from the VW camping bus crowd. All lined up for people to walk past should the be bothered to walk over.

IF we could arrange to all park together in the public car park, we 'd achieve the same result pretty much. But as I have explained ad nauseum, that's just not going to happen. Not unless we all arrive in one convoy all at the same time.

Now what I am not quite sure of is the section marked display vehicles. I think that this is a section where people wanted to show their builds but were not in a group of any kind. Just random showing off I think.
I have tried to explain this and maybe I am failing. There are three parts to the show. The car park for the general public. There are exhibitors who are flogging stuff and then basically another car park area for people (in groups) who want to show and share their vehicles like a sort of car show. People wander about and just chat. We're not selling anything nor really promoting anything. We're just there for the sake of being potentially interesting to people. Last year they had a massive contingent from the VW camping bus crowd. All lined up for people to walk past should the be bothered to walk over.

oh, i get that - my point was really more of 'since folks will walk past, do we want to have a banner or something up...'

Now what I am not quite sure of is the section marked display vehicles. I think that this is a section where people wanted to show their builds but were not in a group of any kind. Just random showing off I think.

thats what it looks like..

- KB
Cool. We can have a banner but that's not really my skill set. It'd be a pretty much one off thing as we don't exist physically as a club. Not sure of we have any funds either. Perhaps that idea of sponsorship could include advertising on the banner. Steven Egall, Milner, etc. it's certainly an idea.