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80 series gullwings rear windows

Will these do?



Chas' trim is black, mine's chrome, but looks like the same profile and position.

(you may have to zoom in a bit)

Perfect, thanks Chas. That trim will be fine, it's just black rather than black and chrome. One less thing to concern myself with. Any gap between the vent trim and the rubber will be minimal as its only really a case of providing some support where the vent trim stops short. This is hidden under the door part anyway.
Thanks Clive, that's pretty much the same as mine.
From what I can see, these are very handsome devices indeed. I'm gutted my truck isn't an overland, otherwise I'd have some.

Smart, or what!

My daughter would kill me if I blacked out "her" windows, when she occupies the third row.
Thanks Clive. I wouldn't blame her as it does make it darker. I'm just going to use mine as lockers for all the kit I want to take and keep with the truck when I empty it out.
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is there a lot of thorns round your way clive?
is there a lot of thorns round your way clive?

Is this a serious question, or am I missing something?

Serious answer, yes, off-road. Dog rose, a bush called Catina with 1" long sharp spines, Salcome (like laburnum) with up to 3" hard needles. That's why I wrapped the Truck.

But there's plenty of tracks without too many bushes, wide open spaces if you're wary of scratching paintwork.
I think CG was looking at the amount of spare tyres your truck has in the photo Clive…[emoji4] It seems 'many a true word spoken in jest' applies.
I think CG was looking at the amount of spare tyres your truck has in the photo Clive…[emoji4] It seems 'many a true word spoken in jest' applies.

I was wondering what the jist of that was :lol: it didn't click (getting old...)

TBH, the tyres suffer from rocks more than anything, thorns seem to bounce off. Just fetched all the wheels off - refurb time over the winter :thumbup:

Sorry for the hijack...
Been watching and reading this thread with interest over the last few months - I've had fitted some SA units yonks ago and while functional and do the job well enough they are not a patch on the quality that is shown here. I have had all the internals done as well for the usual jet boil, cups, essentials etc.

If anybody is interested I'll get some photos and post the internals so that people can see what is possible. These were done for me to my spec so may not suit everyone but you'll get the idea.
If anybody is interested I'll get some photos and post the internals so that people can see what is possible. These were done for me to my spec so may not suit everyone but you'll get the idea.
Please do post some pictures, what you've done sounds just like what I had in mind for mine.
Thanks Den, that's praise indeed.

Since it has been raining at various levels of intensity since I fitted the prototype, I can report that the inside of the cruiser is completely dry around the Gullwing. There was however a slight amount of wet, no more than half a teaspoon in behind the door coming from the lack of seal at the top (and excellent primary seal at the bottom) which would be addressed when fitting proper occurs (this one will be coming out again at some stage). So the fitting of this prototype has proven very useful indeed and there is an easy fix so that's good.
1, Starcruiser, £400, Matt black, this year. BUYING
2, Chris, £TBC, Matt black, now. BUYING
3, Charlie, but depends on price and design
4, Grant, probably less than £400 but depends on design.
5, Chas, £400 or less Matt Black (Two catches would be more secure) BUYING
6, kingtom (Tom) around £400 and black BUYING
7 David natural finish so can powder coat same as truck, need now
8 wangjjang, matt black. 400ish, asap
9. Craig aka cmcmill01 £400 approx. black

NB where Matt Black is stated, they are actually 30% satin and a pretty good match to the truck black paint with an acid etch primer then topcoat. I'm quite impressed with it and I'm a picky whatsit.

Now I know it's early days and there's a lot of factors involved here, and maybe some haven't seen the thread or are away etc, but just being honest here I was rather hoping for a few more putting their name down in the definite buying thread.

Just so I know where I am with this, could those that put their name down on the list above please update. If you want to wait for others that have bought, or are not interested at the price or whatever it is, please let me know as I would really like to be able to get these under way but I do need ten (5 pairs) to kick it off.

I am considering visiting the Adventure Overland Show, so I could extend the offer to that weekend and give people a chance to see them 'in the flesh' if that's what's needed.
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And fit a pair to mine whilst you're there ......
1, Starcruiser, £400, Matt black, this year. BUYING
2, Chris, £TBC, Matt black, now. BUYING
3, Charlie, but depends on price and design
4, Grant, probably less than £400 but depends on design.
5, Chas, £TBC Matt Black BUYING
6, kingtom (Tom) around £400 and black BUYING
7 David natural finish so can powder coat same as truck, need now
8 wangjjang, matt black. 400ish, asap
9. Craig aka cmcmill01 £400 approx. black
And fit a pair to mine whilst you're there ......

I would love to Chris but I don't think they'll be ready in time [emoji20] sorry. I cannot do one offs without a significant price increase that means I'm subsidising them out of my own pocket. I'll do what I can but its not two weeks away[emoji20] and most bits are 2-4 weeks then there's welding and spraying.
We can just nick his Chris as long as you don't fall out of your tent and hurt your self again.
1, Starcruiser, £400, Matt black, this year. BUYING
2, Chris, £TBC, Matt black, now. BUYING
3, Charlie, but depends on price and design
4, Grant, probably less than £400 but depends on design.
5, Chas, £TBC Matt Black BUYING
6, kingtom (Tom) around £400 and black BUYING
7 David natural finish so can powder coat same as truck, need now
8 wangjjang, matt black. 400ish, asap

Sorry to say I'm out.

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