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80 series gullwings rear windows

Thanks for letting me know Craig. Sorry to lose you but understand.
Understood but rather disappointing given our impending trip
Crack on anyhow they're looking great just hope you get numbers up or I'm going to have to order some of the others. Can't sleep now for thinking about them!
I hope they meet and even exceed your expectations Chris.
Even our Floss is impressed
I'm out as well I'm afraid ... at least for the moment. :(
Ok, sorry to hear that but thanks for letting me know Grant.
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Guys - trust me - what you have here is of higher quality and a cheaper price from what I imported from SA.... but back then it was the only option for what I wanted....

The other 'extra' I took on board was the tailgate storage area... good but expensive.... from the states.
Thanks Den, good to get a comparison and to hear that I'm getting this right. I'm pretty pleased with them it has to be said. Alas, the price will need to go up after the AO show.
Please do post some pictures, what you've done sounds just like what I had in mind for mine.

These are pics sent to me by denboy as he was unable to post them.

Boxes 1.jpg

Boxes 2.jpg
Looking good Den. Are your locker boxes to the inside of the wheel arches or slightly deeper? Also I'm guessing they are made of MDF or similar?
What I have taken (and Chas kindly posted) is the passenger side CupaT day gull wing internal fittings - T making equipment etc for a quick stop. There are a couple of small shelves with rubber 'grommets' that hold things in place on the shelves and stop them falling out, never lost an item even while going over mega rocky ground. etc. There is a hatch on both sides that open into the storage area than runs across the back - that holds a fold out chair. Visible on the other photo - also there is a top shelf that hold a working bench, useful for cooking etc held in with bungees and placed on rubber/foam matting that stops the rattling and these are also used to stand on when having a shower... so no mud or sand on your feet etc.

You can also see the compressor outlet, shower (unfiltered for power flow) and drinking water (filtered)

Those people who have fitted draw units know there is space that is hidden down the sides this space and this edge draw line was picked up by the ally side units that runs to the roof shelf. All the internals are ally covered with the usual carpet stuff with spray on glue etc.

The side units have false floors to allow access right down to the rear of the wheel arch (2 levels down) - useful to keep all my car spares, bearings, gaskets, filters,(oil, fuel,air) belts, hoses, large spanners, jump leads etc etc. all hidden away.

The other gull wing (not shown) is for the overnight stops - hold the cooking equipment, plates, kelly kettle, potjie pot, cast iron stuff that goes on the camp fire. The lower compartments again accessible by false floor hold the plates, bowls, spare gas canisters (8) gas cooking stuff (if no camp fire) - third level down holds the compressor and some other car spares.

The draws - one holds the bigger car spares, alternator, starter, clutch(yes) etc a box full of cooking spices. The other draw holds all the tools for everything possible - I do keep adding to this draw after the odd issue (and find I need the 'must have' tool etc)

The center (empty section) above the draws - is sized for storage boxes for oil and wet stuff fluids plus my own clothes bag and overnight hotel) bag.

The idea being everything has it's place - nothing rattles around - and I know where everything (well most of the time) and everything gets put back after use.

That's it... water, fridge, freezer, additional batteries, electrical panel, water filter, pumps, first aid stuff etc etc... all held in the rear seat area (rear seats removed)....

Ohh - each gull-wing has a led lighting strip (visible) - so no need for head torches - does attract the bugs though if left on all night. The cupaT-side has a filtered water take off - pull down and turn on and off unit - this means that I can get a CupT without opening the rear hatches....

That's it - hope this gives you guys some ideas if you want to build your own units.

Lots of inspirational stuff there Den. Thanks for posting. I've toyed with the idea of producing the rear locker box part but I think everyone will have different ideas as to depth, size, what they want to do with it etc that it will just be a non starter. I'll just do mine I think. Eventually![emoji6]
can you post or send me a picture of what kind of hinges you are using as yours seems not to have a inner frame.
I was thinking that Stu, also it looks as if there needs to be fixings for the gas strut.
the gas strut looks like its just some angle you could just bond this on no worries.

i will have a look on the SA site and see
I would be reluctant to do that Stu as there's serious force there, mine has 15kg struts and it would need twice that if anything were to be hung from the doors.
the modern bonding systems atre amazing i have done al kinds of things with the prepwork.
My side units were made for my specific requirements - with a lot of 'mark up' on blank ally before I had it working as I wanted... measure 10 times then drill -etc.

The struts (were a painful issue) - only one came with the kit... and when the other came if was of different poundage... it could have lifted the bonnet not just the gull wing... if you'd been standing close to the hatch when u opened it - it would have taken your head off... it was so strong it was also bending the securing angle where it was mounted inside...

Rather than keep moaning at the SA exporter - just went to the UK strut suppliers and got a matching strut to the one that worked okay.

The hinges are - agricultural in design and functional - nothing pretty ... external - 3 per gull wing. I have seen better (a lot better).. but as I said earlier at the this was the only option available... they work well enough.

Plus this is an expo truck - functional units that can handle the rigger and bashing was the requirement. I could change them now I suppose (they are getting a tad rusty now) but they still work okay. I'm not precious about this truck... it's got the usual scratches and small dings on it... I've seen the same hinges online so I could just order replacements when I need to.

Like I said on previous posts - the quality and price on what is being offered is way above what I have as a SA supplied gull wing kit..... if you guys want/need desire one go for the UK one... much better than the SA one... the idea of the photos was just to show what might be possible for you guys as internal units...