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80 series gullwings rear windows

Oh dear. I just let out a little wee.
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Marathon thread, but the end product looks very smart - well done!
Thanks Guys. I need to start getting some firm orders together.

I now have a sliding window frame courtesy of the legend that is Karl W and will be having a look at that when I get the chance.

I did start another thread in the group buy section ( ) for this style of door and frame only at the moment (not to fit the sliding window without buying new rubbers yet) with or without rear connecting 'flange'. Prices are there and as mentioned I will hold them for 7 days starting tomorrow as there will be next to nothing in them for me at these prices (I won't even make my investment back thus far ) [emoji22]. I will need to get a batch together of 5 pairs broadly of the same type minimum and I will do what I can to get them to you for the overland show but TBH it's tight as I'm relying on local companies and there's running around and jigs to make.

Over to you good people. [emoji4]
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My order is placed in good faith. Just need to know where to send money. Happy to wait til overland show where maybe we could fit them
Yes Chris, you have led the way. I don't usually take money up front on jobs I do and wouldn't be doing it here if it weren't for the fact I have already made quite an investment and things are a bit tight at the mo. So, I do need 5 takers to start the ball rolling as the prices I have secured depend on 10 off quantities of the same one (I might be able to swing a mixed batch but so far prices are based on 10 of the same item). I'll post up where to PayPal funds once I have 5 pairs on order as it won't be fair to take money and then keep people waiting. [emoji4]
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Order placed, is there a chance of fitting at the Overland Show?
Thanks Chas but didn't you want the type to go in the sliding windows?

I will do what I can but that's 14 days and I've been told 3-4 weeks so it's unlikely if I'm honest.
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Thanks Chas but didn't you want the type to go in the sliding windows?

I will do what I can but that's 14 days and I've been told 3-4 weeks so it's unlikely if I'm honest.

Yes, I do want the sliding window type, did I select the wrong one? there really isn't any rush, I thought Stratford would be convenient I'll leave it all up to you SC.
It would be great but…
Don't worry, I'll hold that. It's getting a bit complex so I need to get onto the sliding window type and see how we go. As it is you would need rubbers to fit these in place of sliding window types.

Leave it with me.
In all the excitement I forgot to mention that the paint is powder coat. 2 coats in fact, acid etch prime then top coat. I'm really pretty pleased with how they've turned out. Very pleased in fact. [emoji4]
Hmmm. Well there's no easy way to say this folks, it just isn't any cheaper, easier or better to fit gullwings to the OEM sliding window system, period.

Let me elaborate on that.
The windows run in an ally profile which is wrapped on the outside with the rubber that holds it in the vehicle body. If this were sawn through, it would vaguely resemble an E section. The rubber goes all the way around the back of the E and down the external then the internal edges of the two voids where it stops. There is then another rubber vaguely W shaped that sits in the two voids and over the central spine of the E that the glass runs in. This overlaps the outer rubber and there are all sorts of drainage channels in the base to let the water out that will have collected over time and started rotting the ally.

So, the only option in my eyes is to somehow replicate the ally and replace it. I was hoping to use the rubber runner for the door frame to sit in, which is ok until you factor in the fitting process which would see the ally cut at its join to then work around the rubber W on the new door frame then try fitting the outer rubber which is a right fiddle without any glass in, and get it tucked into where it should be. With a new ally profile, this would be tricky. With an old one, there is the chance that it would break or deform. Then, once you've managed all that, it's designed to leak because it resembles a gutter on the outside. So any water running down will collect at the base of the new Gullwing frame and begin its evil work, eventually bubbling the paint and going nasty.

My view therefore is that I cannot offer something I would not be happy with that may not seal or work satisfactorily for a good length of time.

The other option is to make something that emulates the ally that the frame is fixed to. The cost of this would be prohibitive, so that's out. Weld it to the existing? Too costly and impossible with any corrosion present. Form a connector to fit onto the existing ally, again too costly.

There really isn't a sensible way that a proper fit can be made that isn't better in all respects and more cheaply done by the OE fixed window rubber. This design allows for the flush fitting as shown, whereas even if the sliding system could be made to work, it would offer a gutter for water to collect.

I can happily supply the doors as shown but a rubber will be necessary. This has the benefit of removing the corroding ally section in the sliding windows and being totally reversible.

Sorry if this disappoints or puts these beyond financial reach for some which I understand. However, a multi buy from Amayama could see the rubbers at around £30 each IIRC (estimated price based on buying from Amayama UAE and noted on the other buying thread).

Sorry folks, I really did try. [emoji20]
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So are you saying that a pair of gull wings with rubbers would be an extra £60? I could live with that SC.
Pretty much Chas, though it all depends how it comes out on the import side. When I looked it was £25 plus delivery, import taxes VAT and the Post Office 'Fee'. So if you allowed between £30 to £40 each that should cover it.
Just as a reminder,
This bit ImageUploadedByTapatalk1442230969.909692.jpg

Will possibly stop just shy of the rubber where it curves round into the window reveal. My suggestion is black silicone until I find a better one.

The other thing is I'm not sure what trim is present here

on a sliding window type, if any. So any photos of this area would be most useful. TBH, I don't think it will be a problem if there's nothing there but I need to check some photos.