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So who's going to win?


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2010
Country Flag
Sick of hearing about it. Do they even know we have elections?
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Hope he loaded the gun in his left hand because i think Hilary just went to bed to cry herself to sleep .
Trump I hope because that other silly lady would have plunged us into a world war.Just look at her record of messing in other countries affairs.Not good.
Looks like we have a winner in Donald Trump…
What was it Shayne, 'Smack my arse and call me Sally'…?

It's going to be an interesting time ahead… if he doesn't get assassinated that is. :think:

I hope the first thing he does is to go and have a few drinks and a chat with Putin to make sure all the nonsense on the Russian border goes away.
Well just to be on the safe side I'm going to start stocking up with non perishable food and bottled water and a strong dining table!
Just bought 1000 arrows and a book on how to skin and cook wildlife.
Work on the bunker in the back garden has started.
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