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The people have spoken

Bingo Bob - money talks but it don't sing and dance and it don't walk
When was Britain an Empire , not in my lifetime , Britain is shite and getting worse , and we can't even sack the cunt responsible because there is no democracy under EU dictatorship . We could settle all the troubles throughout the the whole EU if they just allowed a democratic vote , but that can't happen because nobody would have any idea at all who the the candidates were , and even if the did the elected would take orders from the unelected who would retain ultimate power .
Brexit won't change it one little bit
It will remove several layers of corruption and autocratic undemocratic control which are destined to become even more onerous and controlling with the Lisbon agreement.
Gents I am sorry to have to step in but can we please apply our normal forum decorum in relation to language on this thread? Speaking it is one thing, but typing it is different and it's deteriorating.

Great debate but enough of the profanity thanks.

BTW Shayne, nice Neil Diamond quote there ...
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I actually find the readers comments more interesting than the "news" journalists sprout . I hope Ian Baeumont doesn't have me sent to prison for a thousand years or whatever it is the EU deems suitable for sharing his comment .

Ian Beaumont
Gerry Hofman
“There is no new”Third Reich” and there will be no”United States of Europe” but rather Europe will continue to build itself in its own way, in the image of the individual nations where integration and common purpose also means preservation of national identity and self interest. Ignore the Russian and British trolls, the project will continue to develop and grow and we will all be stronger as a result.”

I hope you are right Gerry

However, many Pro EU posters here will disagree with you on your claim that the will be no United States of Europe.

After all, A United States of Europe is the EU’s intention, as laid out in the 5 presidents report
All member states (why are they not called member countries ?), are required to transfer sovereignty (competences) to the EU, where the EU has full control over those competences transferred (Trade,Borders etc), away from any countries citizens being able to influence their countries policies on the competences transferred, at the ballot box.
If you are happy for yourself to not have a say in those matters that affect your country, good for you, but a lot of your fellow countrymen may disagree with you.

Research Guy Verhofstadt calling for member states to transfer more sovereignty to the EU, and Junckers calls for closer integration.

When all the competences of member states are transferred (as laid out in the 5 presidents reports), money, law, trade, taxation etc , other than being able to elect your countries powerless government, what policies will voters(citizens) be able to influence at the ballot box, to make necessary changes to situations that may be detrimental to your own country, economy and citizens, without your government having to seek permission from the EU, and 26 other countries governments ?

This can already be seen when the EU had to approve Italy’s budget.
When David Cameron had to go to Brussels to ask for a temporary halt on EU migration.

However, I wish all the citizens of EU member countries well, now and in the future.

Posted on 1/26/19 | 12:20 AM CET
I actually find the readers comments more interesting than the "news" journalists sprout . I hope Ian Baeumont doesn't have me sent to prison for a thousand years or whatever it is the EU deems suitable for sharing his comment .

Ian Beaumont
Gerry Hofman
“There is no new”Third Reich” and there will be no”United States of Europe” but rather Europe will continue to build itself in its own way, in the image of the individual nations where integration and common purpose also means preservation of national identity and self interest. Ignore the Russian and British trolls, the project will continue to develop and grow and we will all be stronger as a result.”

I hope you are right Gerry

However, many Pro EU posters here will disagree with you on your claim that the will be no United States of Europe.

After all, A United States of Europe is the EU’s intention, as laid out in the 5 presidents report
All member states (why are they not called member countries ?), are required to transfer sovereignty (competences) to the EU, where the EU has full control over those competences transferred (Trade,Borders etc), away from any countries citizens being able to influence their countries policies on the competences transferred, at the ballot box.
If you are happy for yourself to not have a say in those matters that affect your country, good for you, but a lot of your fellow countrymen may disagree with you.

Research Guy Verhofstadt calling for member states to transfer more sovereignty to the EU, and Junckers calls for closer integration.

When all the competences of member states are transferred (as laid out in the 5 presidents reports), money, law, trade, taxation etc , other than being able to elect your countries powerless government, what policies will voters(citizens) be able to influence at the ballot box, to make necessary changes to situations that may be detrimental to your own country, economy and citizens, without your government having to seek permission from the EU, and 26 other countries governments ?

This can already be seen when the EU had to approve Italy’s budget.
When David Cameron had to go to Brussels to ask for a temporary halt on EU migration.

However, I wish all the citizens of EU member countries well, now and in the future.

Posted on 1/26/19 | 12:20 AM CET

Indeed, the Lisbon treaty further enhances the E.U.s powers at the expense of individual countries autonomy, in matters such as defence, fiscal policies and legislature.
A link to some eu fake news regarding the EU from British press. Some of them are hilariously mad!
Some of those are quite funny!
Some of them though are actually true, for example the HGV requirement. I wouldn’t be allowed to hold an HGV license now with my prescription as it was was when I took my test, although having such a level of short sightedness never caused me a problem driving any vehicle, hgv or otherwise.

The banning of vehicle in cities is indirectly E.U. led. The article tries a get out by saying these are nationally implemented, which they are, but it’s E.U. emissions demands that force that.

That’s just a couple from the list.
Sorry, but this did make me giggle!
Despite Trump trying to fubar everything, there is some interesting stuff coming out across the pond;

Skip straight to page 153 onwards for the conclusions..........though there is a section (page 116) specific to the UK.

Seems more and more that, rather than the people, it's actually Putin that has spoken and apparently, he's the one taking back control!